Hour 1
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Host: Eddie The Bombardier Miller, Lee Cochran and Jacob Tyler

Jacob and Lee finish our Easter Holy Week celebration program, immediately after Eddie gets all the following announcements out of the way – June 15 General Nathan Bedford Forrest homesite celebration in Chapel Hill Tennessee, The Battle of Charlottesville 2nd anniversary celebration on August 10 at Henry Horton State Park Tennessee.

Hour 2

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Guest: Rachel Pendergast and Jacob Robb along with about one hundred other guest.

We celebrate and cover on line the faith and family conference at Harrison Arkansas put on by Pastor Thomas Robb, national director of the Knights of the Klu Klux Klan. The entire assembly shouted out a warm welcome to us and sang Happy Birthday over the air !

Hour 1
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Guest: Pat Shannan is a independent investigative reporter who has also worked for many years and for various other news organizations, like, the old Spotlight newspaper and the American Free press. He has written volumes, recording his investigations into government corruption at all levels. Tonight we interview him on the day after the twenty fourth anniversary of the Oklahoma City, Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building bombings.

Host: Eddie the Bombardier Miller, Cohost Jacob Cochran and Jacob Tyler.
We open the show for the first 30 minutes with a celebration of Easter Sunday / Resurrection Day. Then we bring on our guest for an in depth dissection of the OKC Bombings.

Hour 2

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The Bombardier, along with Jacob Tyler, pepper the guest with in depth, probing questions about his video and the mountain evidence he has accrued in relation to the OKC Bombings . The evidence proves beyond a shadow of doubt that the US Government planned and executed the OKC Bombings that slaughtered over 168 innocent people, including many children in the Federal Building nursery. After listening to this show one can’t come away with but one conclusion.The Federal Government is rotten to the core!

Hour 1
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Host : Eddie The Bombardier Miller, Lee Cochran and Jacob Tyler celebrate Easter one week early .Part two of our Easter Program will be next week. We each tell what Easter means to us, read appropriate scriptures for the upcoming sacred holiday.

Hour 2

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Guest: European film maker- Jonas Nilsson- gives excellent commentary on the current extremely dangerous situation that whites are living under in South Africa. He also predicts what the consequences will be for whites and moderate blacks will be from the outcome of the upcoming May 8,elections. We remember how BLM, in 2016, totally shutdown the I-40 Bridge in Memphis,Tennessee and the overall vicious, animal pack behavior of a large segment of blacks in the USA and in SA.

Hour 1
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Host Eddie The Bombardier Miller and Cohost Lee Cochran

Guest Rick Bordan gives the latest update on his son, Daniel , who is a political prisoner in the Virginia state prison system, as a results of fallout of “The August, 2017 Battle of Charlottesville. Rick discusses all the attempts he had made to gain justice for his son that the preponderance of evidence proves should have never been imprisoned.

Hour 2

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Eddie continues the interview of Rick. We discussed the US Black Sea operation of Russia, that could easily result in setting off world war three. We also briefly mention the Alliance of Red China with Zionist Israel as a part of what Red China calls the “belt and road initiative”. Rick breaks down in detail how President Trump narrowly missed being taken our in a deep state coup.