BRR 2020-01-25 Hour 1 Show

Hour 1

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Host: Matt Goodwin

Guest: Jason Robb

Matt takes the helm for tonight’s show and fills in for Pappy–who was feeling under the weather.  Joining Matt for the first hour is our friend and recurring guest on the show, Jason Robb.







BRR 2020-01-25 Hour 2 Show

Hour 2

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Hour 2

Hosted by: Matt Goodwin, Jacob Tyler

Guest: Dr. Kevin MacDonald

Jacob joins Matt hosting the 2nd hour of tonight’s show to interview the one and only Dr. Kevin MacDonald, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at California State University, editor of Occidental Dissent, and prolific author.

You can learn more about Dr. MacDonald and his work by clicking here.

Matt and Jacob discuss Dr. MacDonald’s latest book, “Individualism and The Western Liberal Tradition” with him and chew the fat about the climate of political correctness western Christian traditions are currently laboring under at the behest of the international joos that exercise illicitly disproportionate levels of influence and power throughout the western world.


BRR 2020-01-18 Hour 1 Show

Hour 1

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Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller with Cohost Lee “Elvis” Cochran

Guest: Monika Schaefer

Dialogue: Emergency !! NOW HEAR THIS!!

We start by discussing the very dangerous crisis unfolding in Richmond Virginia – Governor Ralph Northam has vowed to disarm the entire citizenry, even threatening to use The National Guard. The Governor has promised to use all forces at his disposal to go house in search and seizure operations rivaling and even surpassing the draconian / tyrannical measures of King George two hundred forty six years ago- the actual incident that triggered “The Shot heard around the World”! We also relate the Richmond crisis to events imploding in Canada that directly impact our Canadian Guest along with not just Canadians, but all free men everywhere!







BRR 2020-01-18 Hour 2 Show

Hour 2

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Hour 2

Hosted by: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller, Lee “Elvis” Cochran

Guest: Mark Weber

The gang interviews the one and only Mark Weber, an American historian, author, lecturer and current affairs analyst.

Taken from Mr. Weber’s biography on

He is also the director of the Institute for Historical Review, an independent, public interest educational center in southern California that works to promote peace, understanding and justice through greater public awareness of the past. In particular, the IHR strives to increase understanding of the causes, nature and consequences of war and conflict.

His many articles, reviews and essays dealing with historical, political and social issues have appeared in a variety of periodicals, and in a range of languages. Over the years he has given many lectures and interviews on US foreign policy, social-political trends in the US, and international relations. He has produced dozens of broadcast talks.

Weber has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows, and has appeared many times on television, including on the nationally broadcast “Hannity and Colmes” and “Montel Williams” shows. He has conducted countless interviews with television, radio and print journalists from across the United States, and from many overseas countries.

His main areas of specialized knowledge are US foreign policy, international relations, the Second World War, and, more broadly, twentieth-century European and American history.

Weber is a controversial public figure, and has come under fire for his work and views. Partisan “watchdog” groups, including the Zionist “Anti-Defamation League” (ADL) and the far-left “Southern Poverty Law Center” (SPLC), have maliciously attacked him with distorted and demonstrably false claims. As a result, inaccurate and misleading statements about Weber sometime appear in mainstream media outlets and generally well-regarded sources such as Wikipedia.

Mark Weber was born in 1951 in Portland, Oregon, where he was also raised. He studied history at the University of Illinois (Chicago), the University of Munich (Germany), and Portland State University, from where he received a bachelor’s degree in history (with high honors). He then did graduate work in history at Indiana University (Bloomington), where he served as a history instructor and received a Master’s degree in European history.

He lived and worked for two and one-half years in Germany (Bonn and Munich), and for a time in Ghana (West Africa), where he taught English, history, and geography at an all-Black secondary school.

During the five years he lived in Washington, DC, he carried out extensive historical research at the National Archives and the Library of Congress. In 1988 Weber testified for five days in Toronto District Court as a recognized expert on Germany’s wartime Jewish policy and the Holocaust issue. He is sometimes disparaged as a “Holocaust denier,” a label he rejects as both false and malicious.

Weber moved to southern California in January 1991 to work for the IHR. He has served as its director since 1995. For nine years he was editor of the IHR’s Journal of Historical Review.

Joseph Sobran, who for years was a nationally syndicated columnist and a National Review senior editor, spoke about Weber and the IHR at the 2002 IHR Conference:

“…If I’m ‘courageous,’ what do you call Mark Weber and the Institute for Historical Review? They have been smeared far worse than I have; moreover, they have been seriously threatened with death. Their offices have been firebombed. Do they at least get credit for courage? Not at all. They remain almost universally vilified. When I met Mark, many years ago, I expected to meet a raving Jew-hating fanatic, such being the generic reputation of ‘Holocaust deniers.’ I was immediately and subsequently impressed to find that he was just the opposite: a mild-mannered, good-humored, witty, scholarly man who habitually spoke with restraint and measure, even about enemies who would love to see him dead. The same is true of other members of the Institute. In my many years of acquaintance with them, I have never heard any of them say anything that would strike an unprejudiced listener as unreasonable or bigoted.”

Selected Bibliography

The ‘Good War’ Myth of World War II, and Why It’s Dangerous

Was Hiroshima Necessary?

America In Decline: A Society In Denial

‘Darkest Hour’: Great Movie, Defective History

German Soldiers of World War II: Why They Were the Best, and Why They Still Lost

Anti-Semitism: Why Does It Exist? And Why Does it Persist?

How Hitler Tackled Unemployment And Revived Germany’s Economy

Fraudulent Nazi Quotations

Behind the Campaign for War Against Iran

A Straight Look at the Jewish Lobby

Holocaust Remembrance: What’s Behind the Campaign?

President Roosevelt’s Campaign to Incite War in Europe: The Secret Polish Documents

An ‘Unknown Holocaust’ and the Hijacking of History

In the Struggle for Peace and Justice: Countering Jewish-Zionist Power

British Historian Details Mass Killings and Brutal Mistreatment of Germans at the End of World War Two

Straight Talk About Zionism: What Jewish Nationalism Means

The Weight of Tradition: Why Judaism Is Not Like Other Religions

How Relevant is Holocaust Revisionism?

Roosevelt’s ‘Secret Map’ Speech

Zionism and the Third Reich

The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia’s Early Soviet Regime

Israel at 60: A Grim Balance Sheet

Iraq: A War For Israel

Murray Rothbard, 1926–1995

Familiar Lies for a New War: Fighting for Truth in an Age of Deceit

Winston Churchill: An Unsettled Legacy

William Chamberlin: A Man Ahead of His Time

Learning From the September 11 Attacks

The Danger of Historical Lies: Presidential Distortions of History

The Nuremberg Trials and the Holocaust

The Challenge of Jewish-Zionist Power

The Simon Wiesenthal Center: A Bastion of Jewish-Zionist Power

Simon Wiesenthal: Fraudulent ‘Nazi Hunter’

The Israel Lobby’s Campaign for War

Obama’s Promised Foreign Policy `Change’ Will Be Mostly Cosmetic

Subverting the Disney Legacy

Hitler as ‘Enlightenment Intellectual’

My Lunch With George Will: How An Influential Journalist Twists the Truth

Buchenwald: Legend and Reality

The Zionist Terror Network

The ‘Jewish Soap’ Fable

The Israel Lobby: How Important Is It?

Before the ‘Human Rights Tribunal’: The Importance of the Zündel Hearing in Toronto

The Legacy of Rudolf Hess

Changing Perspectives on German History

‘Official’ Changes in the Auschwitz Story

The Boer War Remembered

Wilhelm Höttl and the Elusive Six Million

Goebbels’ Place in History

In Translation: Selected Items

Le rôle des juifs dans la révolution bolchevique et les débuts du régime soviétique

Économie national-socialiste: l’analyse interdite

Le Sionisme et le Troisième Reich

Buchenwald: légende et réalité

Simon Wiesenthal: le faux «chasseur de nazis»

El peso de la tradición: ¿Por qué el judaísmo no es como otras religiones?

El Sionismo y el Tercer Reich

Como Hitler enfrentou o desemprego e reviveu a economia da Alemanha

O Lugar de Goebbels na História

Fraudulentas citações nazistas

Il ruolo ebraico nella rivoluzione boscevica e nei primi anni del regime sovietico in Russia

Il Sionismo e il Terzo Reich

Sebastian Haffner rief 1942 zum Völkermord auf

Сеть сионистского террора

Нюрнбергский процесс и холокост

Симон Визенталь – фальшивый охотник за нацистами

Miten Hitler päihitti työttömyyden ja elvytti Saksan talouden


BRR 2020-01-11 Hour 1 Show

Hour 1

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Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller with Cohost Lee “Elvis” Cochran and Jacob “Moon Dog” Tyler

Guest: Paul Fromm, Canadian Civil Rights Activist

Eddie, Lee and Jacob were thrilled to have the indefatigable Mr. Paul Fromm on the show once again, and wasted no time diving into a discussion with the white civil rights activist from Canada about the state of affairs in the west and how white civil rights is the truly great moral issue of our time.






BRR 2020-01-11 Hour 2 Show

Hour 2

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Hour 2

Hosted by: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller, Lee “Elvis” Cochran, and Jacob “Moon Dog” Tyler

Guest: Dr. Edward R. DeVries

Pappy, Lee and Jacob come out swinging in the second hour with a truly distinguished guest, Dr./Pastor Edward DeVries, host of the Dixie Heritage Hour on TBR Radio.

About Tonight’s Guest:

The Rundown:

The gang chews the proverbial fat with Dr. DeVries about the ongoing assault on southern heritage and some of the more recent developments on that front.  As the hour unfolds, Dr. DeVries lays to rest the tortured premise that has gained a mild degree of acceptance in recent years that the advancement of the globalist agenda and the gas-lighting of people of European descent throughout the world into being ashamed of our heritage and forsaking our birthright is an extension of the Christian worldview.  The dialog that ensued further brought to light that not only is this a woeful fallacy amongst some right-wingers, but that the adherents of lamestream, modern churchianity who align themselves with the damnably devilish agenda of white genocide/replacement which was discussed with Mr. Fromm in the first hour are unwittingly aligning themselves and are in league with antichrists.

You can check out Dr./Pastor Ed’s website at

You can listen to his show on TBR radio here:





BRR 2020-01-04 Hour 1 Show

Hour 1

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Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller with Cohost Lee “Elvis” Cochran

Guest: Attorney at Law Jason Robb council for The Knights Party

Narrative: Tonight we are back for our first live attack cast after playing a taped archive show over the New Year Sabbatical.

We honor and memorialize the young white Victims of two vicious black killer gangs. It’s the anniversary month ( January 7,2007 ) of the Chris Newsom and Channon Christian rape, dismemberment, burning alive, hideous, endless torture sessions. All this atrocity was done by a pack of feral black negroes because they hated whites. Also, in January of 2000 a similar atrocity was inflicted upon young innocent whites in Wichita, Kansas. We at BRR will completely these horror that the ziomedia covers up.

Next, we cover the International Criminal Court resolution to investigate Israel for War crimes.





BRR 2020-01-04 Hour 2 Show

Hour 2

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Hour 2

Hosted by: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller, Lee “Elvis” Cochran

Guest: Ike Baker of The League of the South

Eddie, Lee and Ike discuss the assignation of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. There’s going to be hell to pay over this criminal murder. We also bring the League of the South news up to date.