BRR 2020-04-25 Hour 1 Show

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Hosted by Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller Cohosted by  Monika “Braveheart” Schaefer and Birthe “Spartan” Voss.

Tonight features episode number 2 of our series breaking down and dissecting the most gigantic lie of the 20th and 21st century, exposing that most sacred and sacrosanct of all sacred cows, the atrocity to trump all atrocities, that jealous god that will have no other gods before it . . THE HOLLOWCAUSE!



BRR 2020-04-25 Hour 2 Show

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Hosted by Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller Cohosted by  Monika “Braveheart” Schaefer and Birthe “Spartan” Voss.

Pappy and the ladies of BRR roar into the 2nd hour with vim and vigor as they continue their no-holds-barred series of episodes dismantling  Hollowcause lore piece by piece!



BRR 2020-04-18 Hour 1 Show

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Hosted by Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller, Monika Schaefer and Birthe Voss.

The first half of hour 1 is a critique of the last 2 shows, with repeat emphasis placed on very important events unfolding before our eyes here in the USA that exactly mirror events that occurred in every single nation in Eastern Europe and the old Soviet Union that manifested itself with the Luciferian /Bolshevik take-over. weaved into the critique was the lawless imprisonment of former Texas Congressman Steve Stockman, with implications having direct bearing on today’s lawless America. The Second half of hour 1’s show saw the beginning of BRR’s series expose’ putting the Holocaust sacred cow to where it belongs – – into the garbage bin of historical lies!




BRR 2020-04-18 Hour 2 Show

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Hosted by Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller Cohosted by  Monika “Braveheart” Schaefer and Birthe “Spartan” Voss.

BRR continues our series exposing the falsehoods and fabrications which permeate and pervade the holocaust industry in tonight’s show.  Pappy, Birthe and Monika rip back the curtain of this Hollowcause sideshow, exposing it for the trade marked, patented, racket that it is—demonstrating not just the fraudulent nature of the whole paradigm, but also how it has been vaunted and elevated by the mainstream media to the status of a religion.  A religion whose false, satanic god is bitterly jealous and who will accept no others before it.  Abandon hope in the prevailing zeitgeist, all ye who enter here!



BRR 2020-04-11 Hour 1 Show

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Hosted by: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller

Guest: Mrs. Patti Stockman wife of Former Congressman Steve Stockman ( R-TX)

BRR welcomes returning guest, Mrs. Patti Stockman to tonight’s program. Mrs. Stockman is here to give us the latest news on her husband Steve Stockman’s dire medical condition. Steve is a political prisoner who was locked up by the Obama administration and is still serving time in a  very dangerous Louisiana Federal prison; a prison that’s normally reserved for high risk, violent repeat offenders. Even though Congressman Stockman was wrongly convicted of a victimless crime. Congressmen Stockman is vulnerable to contracting the Corona Virus due to his very poor state of health and advanced age, if the hype about the threat level of this virus is to be believed.

It’s worth noting that the Congressman was “hot on the trail” of rogue persons of interest in the crime ridden Obama administration, including, but not limited to the Jewish Head of the Fed, Lois Lerner.  Conveniently for the higher ups who Congressman Stockman’s courageous efforts were about to call into account, the deep state was gripped by the sudden “revelation” that it was none other than this public servant and statesman who was breaking the law, and with remarkable speed and efficiency for a justice system that is notoriously slow and inefficient, prosecuted and jailed the Congressman for his alleged crimes.  Which in the discerning eyes of patriots throughout the country, is in reality nothing more than having the nerve to try to hold elected officials accountable in the New Socialist States of AmeriKa .



BRR 2020-04-11 Hour 2 Show

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Hosted by: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller, joined by BRR co-host, Monika Schaefer

Guest: Gene Andrews, League of the South Stalwart, retired history teacher, former Olympic athlete, Vietnam vet and marine officer and volunteer for the General Nathan Bedford Forrest Museum and childhood home site.  Honorary BRR staff member.

The BRR staff welcomes Gene back to read a copy of the letter he sent to The Commandant of the US Marine Corps. Gene calls the Marine Corps Commandant on the carpet for his capitulation to the Jew dominated press – the “sellout Commandant” disrespected marines of Southern heritage by banning all symbols of old Southern History and most particularly Confederate History. Monika gives a preview of the upcoming BRR series of shows debunking the so called “Holocaust” .



BRR 2020-04-04 Hour 1 Show

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Hosted by: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller

Guest: Michael MaHarrey of the Tenth Amendment Center

The Bombardier welcomes President of the Tenth Amendment Center, Michael Maharrey, to his first ever appearance on BRR. We will, of course, cover The Constitution of the United States, paying close attention to The Bill of Rights, focusing even closer attention to the huge power the X Amendment gives to the Sovereign States in curbing a runaway Central Government’s abusive intrusion into every area of the citizen’s life. The Tenth Amendment has never been needed more than today in the wake of the Globalist using the Chinese virus / Corona ( Kung Fu Flu ) as an excuse to charge ever closer to full blown, Soviet type Marshall Law.



BRR 2020-04-04 Hour 2 Show

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Hosted by: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller

Guest: Dr. Michael Hill, Director of the League of the South and Ike Baker, Operations Chief for League of the South.

This being the first Saturday of the month, Pappy spends the hour with Mike and Ike covering LOS business and all of the latest topics of the day having a bearing on the same.