BRR 2020-06-27 Hour 1 Show

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Hosted by Jacob “Moon Dog” Tyler

Guest: Pastor Everett Ramsey, Attorney Jason Robb

Jacob welcome Pastor Everett Ramsey and Attorney Jason Robb, both good friends of the show, back to Blood River Radio. Pastor Ramsey opens in prayer. Jason and Pastor Ramsey update us the current goings on and endeavors of the ministries they represent and give us field reports of their most recent activism.  Pastor Ramsey updates us on the progress of the Courts of Divine Justice that he and his congregation have been holding to pray to God and hold our elected officials accountable to God’s law. The gang continues the hour discussing the ongoing war on whiteness going on in America today and how to cope with these realities from a rational perspective while pushing back against the flood tide of evil and the dire need for our people to quit themselves of their dependence on our increasingly corrupt institutions that grow ever more hostile towards red-blooded Americans with each passing day.



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BRR 2020-06-27 Hour 2 Show

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Hosted by Jacob”Moon Dog” Tyler

Guest: Pastor Everett Ramsey and Attorney Jason Robb

Jacob, Pastor Ramsey and Jason hit the ground running going into the second hour resuming their hard-hitting, take-no-prisoners discussion of the current issues in which the our wayward Republic is embroiled and embattled.  The men talk about the need for a neo-Exodus of our children out of the public school system, the rabidly anti-white agenda’s increased intensity in the form of BLM and Antifa’s brazen attacks not just on the our monuments but on white identity in general.  We discuss how this wicked and diabolical agenda has reached such a fever pitch that even Fox-In-the-Hen House news allowed former New York governor, Rudy Giuliani, a consummate insider if ever there was one to go on live TV recently and take the entire BLM movement to task for being the violent terrorist organization that it is.   The clip of this segment from the Laura Ingraham show where he did so was played as we commented on and shared our reactions to it.  You can watch that clip here:

We wrapped up the show by talking about how for all the evil that so typifies this age we’re living in, there is so much that we can yet do to fight the good fight for the cause of truth, liberty and righteousness. Pastor Ramsey and Jason share the details with us about two exciting upcoming conferences their ministries are holding respectively, and what great opportunities for networking and fellowhsiping with like-minded people these will be.  Jacob gives a brief rundown of simple and easy ways we can all support not one, but multiple organizations and ministries even on a shoestring budget, and how if we all followed these simple steps, anyone out there doing good work could have an abundance of financial support.  We end the show with a prayer from pastor Ramsey and an impassioned admonishment from Jacob that hope springs eternal, and that though it is easy to feel isolated in these troubled times, that we are not alone—and that men like Jason and Pastor Ramsey are proof positive of this.  That “where sin abounds, there doth grace more abound” and that we must all stay the course and stand firm against the great evils of our age.

You can visit Pastor Ramsey’s site at and listen to his sermons on Youtube at:
You can visit the Robb family’s ministry at:



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BRR 2020-06-20 Hour 1 Show

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Hosted by Eddie “The Son of a Bitch” Miller

Guest: League of the South Director, Dr. Michael Hill and LS Chief of Operations, Ike Baker.


It’s League of the South night, and The Bombardier plays host to fellow LS Men as we cover many topics from honoring the USS Liberty and the day of infamy, when Israeli air and naval forces launched a murderous and unprovoked attack on the Liberty in international waters desperately attempting the sink and silence the American Naval intelligence ship—with the full cooperation and assistance of American politicians from the lowest CIA /NSA rat all the way to the LBJ White House. We also refer back to the stunning letter from Arch Bishop Carlo Vigano of Italy to President Trump warning him about the deep-state and the deep-church.  We then cover the recent riots around the world sponsored by the anti-America, Christ-hating higher ups in the radical left;  the military turning traitor in the US; the impending LOS trial in Charlottesville and the (in all likelihood) coming American Civil War.  All this and much more on tonight’s riveting live episode of Blood River Radio where “we take no prisoners“!

+++ Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller  — Give em’ the Black Flag – No Quarter!



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BRR 2020-06-20 Hour 2 Show

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Hosted by Eddie “The Son of a Bitch” Miller

Guest:  Dr. Michael Hill, Ike Baker (Chief of Operations for the League of the South)

Eddie, Mike and Ike pick up where they left off from the 1st hour.  See hour 1 for complete show notes.



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BRR 2020-06-13 Hour 1 Show

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Hosted by Eddie “The Son of a Bitch” Miller and Gene “Mr. Marine Genes” Andrews.

Guest: Zeljko “Nick” Glasnovic is a Major General and Croatian Parliament Member. He served 5 years in the Canadian Army, did a hitch in the French Foreign Legion where he fought in wars all over the word from the Mideast to Africa. Then, years later, The Great General led the forces in his home nation of Croatia in their war of independence from 1991-1995. General “Nick” is a staunch patriot and a never-say-die soldier in the battle against the Luciferian, Bolshevik Jewish globalist cabal in their eternal war against Christ Jesus and their unholy efforts of enslaving the entire world in their age old desire to usher in “their father the Devil, the AntiChrist” as ruler of the New World Order.

We Blood River guys cover the most critical global news stories, including the absolute stunning event of the Arch Bishop of Italy, Carlo Vigano’s June 12th letter to embattled President Donald Trump. The Arch Bishop said, among other shocking assertions, that there exist a deep/dark state with its leaders being embedded in every facet of government, the church, the military, the educational apparatus and in all areas of society and that there also exists a deep church—and that both the deep state and the the deep church are led and controlled by this same sinister cabal of Luciferian Free Masons! The Arch Bishop encourages the President to stay strong in his battle against these dark forces while using the  best weapon we have in our arsenal: Unceasing prayer.  (James 5:16.) The Arch Bishop claims the corona virus lockdown and the street riots were planned and choreographed by the Satanic Free Masons at the highest levels of government, military and NGO’s.  All this and much more uncovered on tonight’s riveting live episode of Blood River Radio where “we take no prisoners“!


+++ Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller  — Give em’ the Black Flag – No Quarter!



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BRR 2020-06-13 Hour 2 Show

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Hosted by Eddie “The Son of a Bitch” Miller and Gene “Mr. Marine Genes” Andrews.

Eddie and Gene continue on from hour 1 with The Great General. We continue shining light and making noise, exposing the Luciferian/Satanic controlled legions in their last-ditch attempt to bring President Trump and the entire Republic down in any way possible—be it legal, extra-legal, criminal, violent . . . it makes no difference to the Bolshevik cabal globalist how they do it.

For more detailed notes see hour 1.

+++ Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller  — Give em’ the Black Flag – No Quarter!



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BRR 2020-06-06 Hour 1 Show

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Hosted by Eddie “The Son of a Bitch” Miller and Monika “Braveheart” Schaefer.

Pappy and Monika break down a special report tonight on Blood River Radio, breaking down and giving piercing and incisive commentary on what many would call a coup perpetrated against our embattled American Republic, where Defense Secretary Mark Esper brazenly countermanded President Trump’s statements that if local and state governments do not intervene quickly, the military would be deployed to quell the Soros-sponsored BLM and Antifa riots spreading across the nation that have already resulted in untold numbers of injured and endangered people and tens of millions of dollars(at the very least) in property damage; to say nothing of the potentially incalculable damage done to the American economy by the sheer number of small businesses that were targeted in all of the ensuing pandemonium. The seditious actions in question have been covered by the lamestream lapdog press already, and can be read about here and in this New York times article as well.   A sad state of affairs this is, to see government officials who have been so egregiously hesitant to officially designate BLM and Antifa as the dangerous domestic terrorist organizations that they are to suddenly pretend that they are concerned about protecting our liberties and upholding the Constitution at a time where actual, globalist-funded domestic terrorists are rampaging and pillaging their way through the streets of American citizens and harming the persons and livelihood of working-class Americans.  This is only accentuated by the fact today marks the 76th anniversary of the allied invasion of Normandy.


BRR 2020-06-06 Hour 2 Show

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Hosted by Eddie “The Son of a Bitch” Miller and Monika “Braveheart” Schaefer.

Pappy and Monika continue this 2nd hour of tonight’s hard-hitting program with Blood River Radio’s special report on the Military/Pentagon coup perpetrated against our embattled American Republic yesterday which was led by Defense Secretary, Mark Esper in front of the Washington D.C. million man march scheduled for today—which also marks the 76th anniversary of the allied invasion of Normandy.  (See hour 1’s show notes for a more detailed breakdown.)