BRR 2019-11-9 Hour 1 Show
Hour 1
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Hour 1: Eddie Miller, Lee Cochran, Matt Goodwin
HOST : Eddie “The Bombardier Miller with Cohosts Lee “Elvis” Cochran and Matthew “The Mole” Goodwin”
We do a quick recap of the last two weeks shows. . . The Blood River Radio men took to the road on October 25,26 and 27 to cover, broadcast and participate in the 15th anniversary celebration of The Political Cesspool. . . Then on November 2nd we took it on the road again to Potts Camp, Mississippi to cover the field operation to the Emmett Till memorial in Northern Mississippi put on by The League of The South (LOS). See our archives for those broadcast.The remainder of Hour 1 was spent spend by the BRR guys in discussing a bundle of topics with a direct bearing on white Europeans.