Though it pains them to have had to have done so Eddie, Lee, Matt, and Jacob took a brief sabbatical tonight.  We are loathe at the prospect of leaving our listeners in the lurch, however, and so for your listening enjoyment and edification, we would like to present a re-broadcast of our January 26th episode.  It’s a personal favorite of Eddie’s and is one he frequently reminisces on  as one of the most gut-wrenching shows he has ever done.  Next week the gang will be in Burns, TN for a special broadcast of the history-making symposium, NatSol 2019! ( This event is a visionary and ground-breaking conference sponsored by the American Freedom Party, The Council of Conservative Citizens and the League of the South which endeavors to facilitate pan-spectrum fellowship and collaboration amongst the dissidents and luminaries of the right wing and boasts a speaking roster jam-packed with high-octane leaders in the movement writ large who have heretofore seldom if ever shared a stage!  The annual gathering is only in its second year and is already shaping up as one of the most dynamic, phenomenal and exciting events of the year.

Hour 2  (Originally aired, January 26, 2019) 
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Paul Fromm has been in the patriot movement for many years. He shared his reported on Monika Schaefer, the lady who was jailed in Germany for merely questioning the Zio/ establishment propaganda myth of the Holocaust. We learned that it is considered anti-Semitic hate speech to even question ANY part of the official fairy tale of the Holy-Hoax and it’s punishable with stiff finds and prison sentences.

Hour 1
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Host Eddie The Bombardier Miller and Lee Cochran ride herd for the whole 2 Hours.

Guest: Phil Tourney is a survivor of the USS Liberty massacre.

By Line:

June 8, 1967 marked a day worse than infamy- it marks a day of the lowest form of treason and betrayal. There is no greater treason, no greater betrayal a country can commit worse than taking sides with a foreign country and aiding and abetting that foreign nation in acts of war against its own citizens and/or service men. . . and /or sending them into an intentional death like a sacrificial lamb-That’s exactly what was done by The Jewish Apartheid, racist supremacist state of Israel with the full cooperation of The United States Government to the sailors and Marines of The United States Ship Liberty. Eddie Phil and Lee carry the truth of this vast betrayal and treason to the listeners of BRR.

Hour 2
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Eddie,Lee and Phil continue covering the rest of Israel’s massacre of The USS Liberty, and we expose the continued coverup by The US Government. A coverup that is ongoing.

Hour 1
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Today is June 8,2019 the second anniversary of the real Day of Infamy in the United States of America. Washington D.C., Israeli lap dog, continues to cover up the sneak attack on The USS Navy Ship Liberty while it was in international waters.

Eddie and the Blood River Patriots – Lee and Matt, spend the entire 1st hour shining the spotlight of disinfection on the Worse incident of betrayal orchestrated against sailors and marines by their own government in world history – American President, Lyndon Bane Johnson’s collaboration with the alien Government of Israel in the deliberate attack on an American Naval vessel. We compare and contrast the treatment D-Day, June 6,1944 with the endless hyped praise on US Servicemen who served 75 years ago, to the total cover-up of Israeli attack on the United States of America. To this day, there has never been an official government inquiry.

Hour 2
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Lee, Jacob and Eddie bring on Guest Paul Fromm to breakdown the global, Orwellian, crackdown on free speech, the banning of videos and destruction of independent websites at the hands of governments and the Supra-governmental organizations operating independent of government.

Will the UN, prodded by global Zionist Jews, define what constitutes antisemitism, and when the West goes to a white minority in a short 15-20 years, will antisemitism be punished by the death penalty as in the Jewish-controlled Soviet Union of the Stalin era?

Hour 1
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Host Eddie The Bombardier Miller saddles up again with Matt “The Mole” Goodwin and Lee “Elvis” Cochran riding shotgun.

Guest: Jason Robb, attorney at Law, aids us greatly in dissecting the most up to date and important topics of the day. We discuss the 50 plus years of activism by his dad, Pastor Thomas Robb and his entire family. Also the recent tariffs placed on Mexico, and trade war Saber Rattling with China were discussed.

Hour 2

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Jacob Tyler comes on for a brief segment to cover the speech made by his dad at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

We say goodbye to Jacob and bring up everybody’s favorite lady, Monika Schafer to round out the last 3 segments of the hour, including the number problem in the world today with white me. Cowardice!

Hour 1
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Guest: no guest tonight

The Blood River Radio guys have a hot and spirited round table on the most pertinent news stories of the day – America’s Impending invasion of Iran, The movie “Hail Satan”, Controlled Opposition in our movement, Jewish, Israeli co-option of the US political apparatus.

Hour 2

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Guest: Prolific Author, Clint Lacy, makes his first-ever appearance on BRR.   Clint has offered two books and dozens of articles for the historical revisionist journal, The Barnes Review.  Some of his writings have also appeared in the hard-hitting populist newspaper, American Free Press.
You can check out Clint’s blog by clicking here.

Jacob Tyler takes the reins on this interview. Clint and Jacob cover broad ground relating to false news, ZOG’s falsification of history, the destruction of white, Christian culture and more.

We cover Clint’s book, Blood in the Ozarks and announce his newest, soon to be released book dealing with false flags over the continuum entitled A Beginner’s Guide to False Flags, available on Amazon.

Hour 1
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Host: Eddie and Matt

Guest: Jason Robb, attorney and son of Pastor Thomas Robb

We cover several topics, the Family and Freedom Conference, the upcoming Nationalist Solutions conference, and the Knights Party National Congress.

We discuss the three basic religious that claim to be Christian: Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, and Christian Identity.

Hour 2

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Guest: Monika Schafer

Monika details what happened to her on her way back to Canada from the USA. She was detained by Canadian Border police for 3 hours, had her property stolen and in general, treated like a dangerous felon.
Topics also cover Israel terrorist apartheid state tactics of genetic cleansing of Palestine.

Hour 1
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Jacob and Ike bring on guest Mike Goodrich to cover his book, The Summer of 1945, Summer of Hate and Rape.

Hour 2

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Host:Jacob Tyler and Ike Baker. Eddie has the night off.

Guest: Paul English of the UK.

The guys interview Paul about his first hand, eye witness take on the situation in the UK and the rest of Western Europe in regards to the millions of nonwhites invading our traditional white homelands. They also discuss his recent project of making audio books of Mike Goodrich’s great book, Hell Storm.

Hour 1
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Host: Eddie The Bombardier Miller and Cohost Jacob Tyler

Guest: Mrs Patti Stockman, wife of US Representative Steve Stockman.
We talked at length about the political imprisonment of US Representative Stockman by the Washington Crime Syndicate , because Representative Stockman was trying to bring some of the worse of criminal Washington elite aka like Lois Lerner and Eric Holder to justice. Instead of justice winning out, Stockman was persecuted for 3 years until the Criminals were able to break him financially and falsely put him into federal for TEN YEARS!

Hour 2

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Guest : Rick Tyler, chief executive officer of The American Freedom Party, gives all the details of the National Solutions Conference at Montgomery Bell Tennessee State Park on June 28,29 and 30, 2019. Rick also details us about the second anniversary of Charlottesville speech he intends to give at The University of Virginia ,plus he filled us in on his run for the US Presidency under The American Party.

Hour 1
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Host: Eddie The Bombardier Miller, Lee Cochran and Jacob Tyler

Jacob and Lee finish our Easter Holy Week celebration program, immediately after Eddie gets all the following announcements out of the way – June 15 General Nathan Bedford Forrest homesite celebration in Chapel Hill Tennessee, The Battle of Charlottesville 2nd anniversary celebration on August 10 at Henry Horton State Park Tennessee.

Hour 2

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Guest: Rachel Pendergast and Jacob Robb along with about one hundred other guest.

We celebrate and cover on line the faith and family conference at Harrison Arkansas put on by Pastor Thomas Robb, national director of the Knights of the Klu Klux Klan. The entire assembly shouted out a warm welcome to us and sang Happy Birthday over the air !

Hour 1
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Guest: Pat Shannan is a independent investigative reporter who has also worked for many years and for various other news organizations, like, the old Spotlight newspaper and the American Free press. He has written volumes, recording his investigations into government corruption at all levels. Tonight we interview him on the day after the twenty fourth anniversary of the Oklahoma City, Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building bombings.

Host: Eddie the Bombardier Miller, Cohost Jacob Cochran and Jacob Tyler.
We open the show for the first 30 minutes with a celebration of Easter Sunday / Resurrection Day. Then we bring on our guest for an in depth dissection of the OKC Bombings.

Hour 2

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The Bombardier, along with Jacob Tyler, pepper the guest with in depth, probing questions about his video and the mountain evidence he has accrued in relation to the OKC Bombings . The evidence proves beyond a shadow of doubt that the US Government planned and executed the OKC Bombings that slaughtered over 168 innocent people, including many children in the Federal Building nursery. After listening to this show one can’t come away with but one conclusion.The Federal Government is rotten to the core!

Hour 1
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Host : Eddie The Bombardier Miller, Lee Cochran and Jacob Tyler celebrate Easter one week early .Part two of our Easter Program will be next week. We each tell what Easter means to us, read appropriate scriptures for the upcoming sacred holiday.

Hour 2

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Guest: European film maker- Jonas Nilsson- gives excellent commentary on the current extremely dangerous situation that whites are living under in South Africa. He also predicts what the consequences will be for whites and moderate blacks will be from the outcome of the upcoming May 8,elections. We remember how BLM, in 2016, totally shutdown the I-40 Bridge in Memphis,Tennessee and the overall vicious, animal pack behavior of a large segment of blacks in the USA and in SA.

Hour 1
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Host Eddie The Bombardier Miller and Cohost Lee Cochran

Guest Rick Bordan gives the latest update on his son, Daniel , who is a political prisoner in the Virginia state prison system, as a results of fallout of “The August, 2017 Battle of Charlottesville. Rick discusses all the attempts he had made to gain justice for his son that the preponderance of evidence proves should have never been imprisoned.

Hour 2

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Eddie continues the interview of Rick. We discussed the US Black Sea operation of Russia, that could easily result in setting off world war three. We also briefly mention the Alliance of Red China with Zionist Israel as a part of what Red China calls the “belt and road initiative”. Rick breaks down in detail how President Trump narrowly missed being taken our in a deep state coup.

Hour 1
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Guest: Mrs. Patti Stockman, wife of US Representative Steve Stockman and prison minister Rudy Davis

Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller Cohost Lee Cochran

Topic: The retaliation of the Obama hold over bureaucrats – criminal cabal- their use of dirty tricks, corrupt FBI, Judges, all working together in an unholy alliance for the illegal imprisoning of Congressman Stockman for his role as highly active whistler blower on the endless corruption of the Cabal. Louis Lerner, Eric Holder and other Feds at the high levers were in contempt of congress, yet they avoided the justice and succeeded in destroying a honest Congressman.

Hour 2

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Lee, Rudy, Jacob and Eddie have a round table discussion wrapping up and dissecting the first hour’s topic of political prisoners focusing on U.S. Representative Steve Stockman’s unjust and trumped up incarceration. The last half hour of hour two is spent covering Pastor Tomas Robb’s annual reunion of White Nationalist Christian Patriots.

Hour 1
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Guest- MS King is a private investigative journalist & researcher based in the New York area. A 1987 graduate of Rutgers University. His 30 year career in marketing and advertising has equipped him with a unique perspective when it comes to how public opinion is manufactured. Madison Avenue acumen combined with big city instincts make Mike King one of the most tenacious detectors of things that don’t add up. Mike king is also a internationally know writer of documentary / historically accurate books.

Host Eddie The Bombardier, Cohost Gene Andrews and Lee Cochran.

Gene drives the interview for the encore appearance of Mike to wrap up the breakdown of The Book, The Bad War.

Hour 2

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Eddie, Lee and Gene wrap up our discussion of the Bad War. We did current events and the last segment we bring on Guest Tamara Goodwin to report on the status of her son’s status as a political prisoner and other prisoners she regularly communicates with.

Hour 1
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Guest: Tom ( Mike ) Goodrich, Famous internationally renowned Author. Writer of a pleathora of best selling books. Has appeared on many of the biggest radio and TV stations in the United States, including PBS,History Channel, Discovery and and National Geographic.

Host: Eddie Miller

Cohost Ike Baker,Operations manager of The League of The South, and Lee Cochran.

Topic Ike interviews Tom Goodrich about his famous book, Hell Storm.

Hour 2

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Ike Lee and Eddie finish dissecting the book Hell Storm , plus we breakdown the entire lie known as World War II. We also delved deeply into the Mass Islamic shooting in New Zealand.

Hour 1
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Guest: Michael S King, Author of The Bad WarHost: Eddie The Bombardier Miller and Cohost Gene Andrews.

Topic: M.S. King joins the Blood River men tonight to completely cover his newest book. Mr Mike King asserts that all establishment history of both World War I and World War 2 – which is really one war- world war part one and world war part two- that has been perpetrated by the educational system – from grammar school all through College and grad school – is a monstrous lie. Its a lie so diabolical that it’s almost supernatural in origin. Not only has the entire educational system been subverted, the media and entertainment industry is captive to the same diabolical forces/the enemy of all white people. We name the enemy – it’s the eternal Jew. So, tune in to this archived show to learn the complete history of the great war from the very beginning (in 1894) to the end ( in 1950).

Hour 2

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Guest: Michael S King, Author of The Bad WarHost: Eddie The Bombardier Miller and Cohost Gene Andrews.

Topic: M.S. King joins the Blood River men tonight to completely cover his newest book. Mr Mike King asserts that all establishment history of both World War I and World War 2 – which is really one war- world war part one and world war part two- that has been perpetrated by the educational system – from grammar school all through College and grad school – is a monstrous lie. Its a lie so diabolical that it’s almost supernatural in origin. Not only has the entire educational system been subverted, the media and entertainment industry is captive to the same diabolical forces/the enemy of all white people. We name the enemy – it’s the eternal Jew. So, tune in to this archived show to learn the complete history of the great war from the very beginning (in 1894) to the end ( in 1950).

Hour 1
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Guest: Deputy Director of The American Nazi Party (Daniel Schneider).

Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller. Ace Cohost Patrick Turner.

Topics: Discussed the overall devastated condition of the German people at the end of World War Two: economical, social, spiritual devastation. The guest described how the rise of Adolph Hitler and the NAZI Party had a near miraculous affect in elevating the German nation out of starvation, social, economic and spiritual ruin.

Hour 2

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Guest: League of the South Chief Operations Officer (Ike Baker).

Host Eddie and Ace Cohost Patrick continue into hour two.

Topic: Ike and Patrick breakdown and dissect hour two’s dissertation put forth by Daniel Schneider of The American Nazi Party. Ike and Patrick discuss the pro’s and con’s of how the National Socialist party could or could not function in the U.S.A., and they relate how the Original Constitutional government in the original 13 states functioned for over 100 years, until the demographics of the once white, Christian nation turned dark. We named THE enemy of our people – the eternal Jew!

Hour 1
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Guest Monika Schafer makes encore appearance.

Cohost Matt Goodwin fills in for Eddie The Bombardier Miller tonight
Topic: Monika’s imprisonment in Germany for thought crimes. Jewish control of Bolshevism, Communism, and mass murder in Russia and all Eastern Europe from 1917 to the fall of the Berlin wall.

Hour 2

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Matt brings on Patrick, newest cohost on Blood River Radio for his first call of duty. Matt and Patrick continue in a lively conversation with the one and only Monika Schafer. Matt also exposes U.S. Congressman David Kustoff as a liar and a coward Jew.

Hour 1
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Hours 1 and 2 Guest Monika Shaefer appeared on both hours, the first time ever a guest was held over for the entire length of the show.

Monika started the show off by describing,in methodical detail,the 74th anniversary of the Dresden Bombing, which went on for 3 days. On February 13th, 1945, the western allies, mainly the British, launched 3 successive waves of a 1000 plane bombing raid. The 1st wave of bombers carried percussion bombs, designed to blow walls of civilian homes down and destroy roof tops off homes. Then, the 2nd day, February, 14th, when all the civilian population thought the bombers were gone, the Brits sent in a 2nd wave of bombs loaded with incendiary bombs which were designed to create a virtual “hell storm” of super intense heat. It was so hot the asphalt melted and ran like lava! Humans, even in basements, were literally melted into piles of blobs of unrecognized fat. The third day, fighter planes, carrying machine guns came and machine gunned the survivors in parks and on the bank of the Rhine River.

Monika then described the totalitarian “so called” justice system in Germany. She told in detail her trial in the German Court where she was convicted of “thought crime” for, simply making a short video about the so called Holocaust and how she survived prison. Most importantly, probably, was her summation on the relevance to our world we live in today in the presence scary political climate of anti-white, anti-Christian hate.

Hour 2

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Hours 1 and 2 Guest Monika Shaefer appeared on both hours, the first time ever a guest was held over for the entire length of the show.

Monika started the show off by describing,in methodical detail,the 74th anniversary of the Dresden Bombing, which went on for 3 days. On February 13th, 1945, the western allies, mainly the British, launched 3 successive waves of a 1000 plane bombing raid. The 1st wave of bombers carried percussion bombs, designed to blow walls of civilian homes down and destroy roof tops off homes. Then, the 2nd day, February, 14th, when all the civilian population thought the bombers were gone, the Brits sent in a 2nd wave of bombs loaded with incendiary bombs which were designed to create a virtual “hell storm” of super intense heat. It was so hot the asphalt melted and ran like lava! Humans, even in basements, were literally melted into piles of blobs of unrecognized fat. The third day, fighter planes, carrying machine guns came and machine gunned the survivors in parks and on the bank of the Rhine River.

Monika then described the totalitarian “so called” justice system in Germany. She told in detail her trial in the German Court where she was convicted of “thought crime” for, simply making a short video about the so called Holocaust and how she survived prison. Most importantly, probably, was her summation on the relevance to our world we live in today in the presence scary political climate of anti-white, anti-Christian hate.

Hour 1
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Guest Tamara Goodwin – mother of Charlottesville political prisoner.
Cohost Jacob joins Eddie and Lee

Topics – we go over BRR calendar of events from April 6 through August 9,10 which is the 2nd anniversary of the Battle of Charlottesville.Tamara list ways to help our political prisoners. We list upcoming rally’s and beneficiary events for political prisoners of Charlottesville. We also discuss the cowardice of the American white people and the trance they are in.

Hour 2

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Host Eddie Miller
Cohosts Lee Cochran and Matt Goodwin

Topics- 1. President Trumps State of the Union Speech is dissected by Lee and Matt.
a. Total disrespect shown to the President by the vicious, white clothed congresswomen. Antiwhite in tone. Pro-illegal alien. Trump backs down on his demand for a wall, acquiesce to more amnesty.
b. The urban warfare training by the US Military in downtown Los Angeles.

Hour 1
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No guest tonight. Cohost Lee Cochran, Cohost Matt Goodwin and Host Eddie the Bombardier Miller hold a roundtable court.

Topics – The new trade treaties are worse than the original NAFTA, GATT and NAU. The evils of the United Nations, and Globalism.