Guests: Nancy Hitt and Gene “The Bitter Ender” Andrews
Miss Nancy stays on from hour 1 to cover her story about the saga of Rudolph Hess with The Bitter Ender giving able assistance. The Bitter Ender finishes out the show covering the latest concerning The Forrest Home and breaking news items.
Hosts: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller and Rayn Owen
Eddie gives a preview of his speech to be given at the upcoming League of the South national conference in Lake City, Florida. Eddie and Rayn cover the continuing unfolding tragedy of the MacMichael’s and the scores of other political prisoners locked up in the American Gulag.
We also touch upon the war in the Ukraine, if time permits.
Guest: Nancy Hitt, freelance writer for The Freedom Times and other publications
If you have been led to believe all your life that blacks were the only race in history that were slaves you need to think again because, tonight Miss Hitt will discuss her review of They Were White and They Were Slaves. Once you hear the truth, you can’t unhear it.
Guest: Dr. Michael Hill, Director League of the South (LOS)
Dr. Hill gives his up-to-date summary of the most critical current world-wide events and—based on his most educated guess—shares his forecast on the outcome of those events and how they may or may not have direct bearing on the BIG QUESTION: What role will these events play on the struggle for White survival, to avoid total extermination by the ETERNAL JEW, both here in the American South and globally. Dr. Hill also gives details on the upcoming national League of the South meeting.
Hosts: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller and Gene “The Bitter Ender” Andrews
The Bitter Ender will give us his best estimation on the impact the new so-called “antisemitism” / anti-hate resolution, passed by the “SHABBOS GOYIM” in the Tennessee legislature, will have on our freedom of speech, aka the 1st Amendment, and speculate if the law was created just for BRR? We think it was.
The Bombardier is taking a rare Saturday off to run the Nashville Rock ‘n’ Roll St. Jude Marathon. That’s right . . . 26.2 miles for the St. Jude children’s research hospital fundraiser. The Bombardier will return next week (30 April) God’s will be done.
Eddie’s little sister, Monika, is more than capable to take control of the B-17 in The Bombardier’s absence. Monika will be joined by two other guests: The one and only Paul Fromm and Nancy Hitt. Occupied Germany, holocaust laws, Ernst Zündel, Günter Deckert (those and other political prisoners), H-laws coming to Canada and Tennessee (((they))) are trying anyway, ‘The Curse of Anti-Anti-Semitism’, parodies of ‘Germany Must Perish’, and who are the real haters are discussed.
Hosts: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller and Monika Schaefer
Guests: Matt Goodwin and Nancy Hitt
Matt Goodwin will do the honors of giving our half-hour Easter Program before we affix bayonets and charge the enemy getting back into the eternal war against the eternal enemy . . . the eternal Jew.
If you have ever wondered just how many brave freedom fighters have payed the price for fighting against the eternal enemy’s sacred holocaust lie, tune in tonight.
Hosts: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller and Monika Schaefer
Guest: Nancy Hitt
Are you wondering what the heck is going on in the Ukrainian / Russian conflict. We were told several months ago at the start of the Russian invasion into Ukraine that the war would last a mere 3 days or a couple weeks at best. All so-called news is unreliable at best and downright lies at worse. If you are like BRR guys, you are beginning to smell a rat. Tune in tonight and help us sort out what we DON’T KNOW about the REAL STORY – as Paul Harvey used to say.
Tune in tonight as the one and only Sister Braveheart returns after a two week absence to join Eddie in dropping the napalm of truth on all the Jewish Marxist established Ziomedia and their lies, especially their massive lies concerning the war in Ukraine.
Rayn and Jason will do a one time presentation. It concerns their interpretation of Holy Bible scripture and what it says about where the first Jew came from and how the Devil supposedly had sex with Eve to produce the actual offspring of the Devil. This is really not the Bombardier’s cup of tea but we will let Rayn get it out of his system. It’s the Bombardier’s belief that a Jew by any other name is a Jew!
Guest: Dr. Michael Hill, Director League of the South (LOS)
Join Eddie and Dr. Hill tonight as we dissect the three W’s – who, what and why of the Russian / Ukraine crisis… the 3 W’s are always – the same Jew Jew Jew. It’s always Jews all the time.
Later in the hour Dr. Hill will discuss the big upcoming national LOS conference. Last but most important, we give our BRR family some advice on how we think we can all prepare for the inevitable hard times ahead of us White people of the world.
Guests: Rayn “Alabama Coon Hunter” Owen and Gene “The Bitter Ender” Andrews
Rayn and Gene will continue holding up solutions to help our White BRR family prepare for and survive the continued and even increased levels of hostilities inflicted upon us by the black feral animals with total impunity in the “JEW-dicial system”. The social / civil breakdown that is happening before our very eyes at warp speed will be confronted and reversed in the long run but our people must be tough and resilient. BRR will always be available with all support.
Lee Wilson is a private detective in Georgia. Lee has worked with the McMichael family early-on since Greg and son (Travis) were indicted for murder of Ahmaud Arbery. If you have been following the trial of the McMichael family you will be sickened by the absolute railroading of three White men in a Soviet-style show trial that would make Joseph Stalin blush!
Tune in tonight as Lee Wilson helps Blood River Radio continue in our effort to keep alive in the minds of our people how 3 White men in Georgia have been railroaded into prison for two life sentences for a non-crime. We BRR guys hope to wake White people up to the fact that they are a hated, hunted, people and are in danger of becoming the next victim of the Jewish-Bolshevik-Satanic-White-hating Jude-dicial system.
Hosts: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller and Gene Andrews
Guest: Walter Patton
Walter Patton is an expert on the history of the University of Mississippi “Ole Miss” and how that history is interwoven with the Confederacy. Join the BRR guys as we shine the light on the true history of Ole Miss and how Ole Miss was built on the dead Confederate heroes.
“Mr. Buddy” and “Miss Nancy” have been all over the tragic McMichael case like bulldogs on a bloody bone. The McMichael father and son duo were railroaded and wrongly convicted in a Georgia court of first degree premeditated murder. They were later convicted of a hate crime in federal court. Greg and Travis received a double life sentence – one for the state charge and an additional one for the federal rap. The so-called murder rap and hate crime conviction was a predestined-slam-dunk in a Soviet type show trial that would make Joseph Stalin proud. Tune in to Blood River Radio tonight and learn all about the end of equal protection under the law for Whites in the Jewnited States of Amerika.
Guests: Monika “Braveheart” Schaefer and Rayn Owen
Tonight on BRR we cover the worsening epidemic of Black on White crime in the Jewnited States of Amerika. Because Blacks know they have get out of jail free cards for violence committed against Whites is manifested everyday in every city across the country by the unending unpunished acts of raw violence committed by Blacks. Also, BRR covers the worsening Russia / Ukraine crisis.
Mrs. McMichael is the wife of Greg McMichael and the mother of Bryan McMichael. Both men were convicted of first degree murder in the state court in Georgia and then tried and convicted in Federal Court of hate crimes in what was actually a slam dunk kangaroo circus very reminiscent of Joseph Stalin’s Soviet show trials of the 1930’s.
Tune in to BRR tonight and learn the infuriating true story of how three innocent White men were convicted in a shamelessly rigged court of first degree murder and hate crimes. BRR will show that the so-called murder was an act of survival and self-defense. We at BRR will illustrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that Whites in America have absolutely no equal protection of law in the Jewnited states. We will also prove that black feral animals can do no wrong in the eyes of the courts they are killing Whites every day in cold blood with no danger of being brought to justice in this here ZOG states of Jewmerica.
We BRR men continue the heart-breaking and infuriating story of the three Georgia White men sentenced to life in prison for killing a worthless-black-career-criminal, an extremely violent serial felon. Also, we cover selected items unfolding in Putin and Russia’s battle against The Jew-World-Order operation in Ukraine.
Dr Hill is Director of League of the South (LOS) Rayn Owen is Chairman of the Alabama Branch (LOS)
Tonight, Dr Hill amd Rayn Owen bring us all the latest news concerning the LOS. News from court cases, field operations, and all other relevant information will be covered.
We also delve deeply into the latest in a series of ZOG contrived wars and discuss ZOG’S hoped for outcome of pushing global White genocide further down the road to that day when not one White person is left on the face of the earth. We at BRR and the LOS have pledged our lives to saving the White race in the face of ZOG’S onslaught.
Guests: Monika “Braveheart” Schaefer and Gene “The Bitter Ender” Andrews
Tonight, Gene the “BRR resident history professor” and Monika hold court on the true purpose of Hitler’s invasion into Czechoslovakia and Poland. Can it be that Putin’s so called invasion of the Ukraine is a case of déjà vu? Hitler had his mission of saving ethnic German’s trapped in lands that were stolen from Germany by the victorious allies after World War I and Putin may be doing the same 83 years after OUR great Hitler’s mission of mercy.
Both Fred and Jim were engineers and integral members of the Ernst Zundel defense team that spent time in Europe investigating the so called death camps where millions of Jews were allegedly gassed by Germans. Fred and Jim along with their team of investigators proved that the so-called death camps never existed.
Tonight we critique last weeks presentation of the ground breaking book by super author, Tom Goodrich and the audio version read by Paul English. We continue with a BRR memorial to those much maligned and lied about German people and all the vicious lies about World War I and II. We finish what we could not cover last week about the genocidal campaign waged against the German people by the ZOG controlled British and Americans manifested by an all out air attack with incendiary bombing of every city in Germany of any size. Helpless civilians: men, women, children and even animals were marked and targeted for a fiery death from the air. The war in 1945 was all but over. The Allies only motivation for the fire bombing was to completely exterminate every last German! The Jewish led campaign continues to this day and has spread world-wide in scope. The aim of the international Jew has never changed – extermination of every last White person on the face of the earth.
Fred Leuchter and Jim Rizoli, along with Monika Schaefer and The Bombardier delve deep into debunking the Holocaust – that Sacred God, that patented, trademarked, jealous god that will have no other gods before it . . ! We also cover the Russia / Ukraine war . . . another in an endless series of fratricidal wars between Whites that has its cause in international Judea!
Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller
Cohost: Monika “Miss Braveheart” Schaefer
Guests: Tom Goodrich and Paul English
Tom Goodrich is a one-of-a-kind prolific writer and factually accurate historian. Though Goodrich has published many highly acclaimed works, there has probably never been a more hard-hitting, emotional land-mine than his high-water mark – “Hell Storm” the biggest cover-up in history! There is also an audio book version and a CD. I totally agree with all the others who reported difficulty reading through the book without taking breaks, because it is so emotionally draining. If one ever wanted to get a glimpse into the ABYSS, the pure Satanic hatred International Jewry has towards Germans and the White people of the world, just tune into BRR tonight, if you have the stomach!
We continue on from hour 1 with our special broadcast of Tom Goodrich’s milestone work – HELLSTORM. We will always dedicate the month of February every year as Dresden month.
Tonight, Blood River Radio has two historians on. Miss Valerie Protopapas and Gene Andrews will spend almost two hours covering critical events in our history and the prime movers and shakers influencing events like Lincoln and his war against the South, the wars against global White Christianity led by Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt and their deep state puppet masters. Valerie and Gene will start off with exposing Lincoln’s terror campaign against the South with his newly created concept – an instigated campaign of TOTAL WAR against his own people. The same Jew World Globalist repeated more campaigns of global White genocide in World war A and World War B / World War I and World II.
Join the Bombardier and Miss Braveheart tonight as we cover the massive trucker inspired and maintained revolt against the communist government of Canada that continues to grow daily. We will also breakdown all the other covid-crazy madness. We will give a summary of last week’s show on “Law”, the court systems’ deplorable shape in the USA and all relevant topics within our allotted time-frame.
Cohosts: Monika “Braveheart” Schaefer and Gene “The Bitter Ender” Andrews
Tonight for hour 2 you will have a real treat. Primarily driven by Monika and Gene, we will preview our giant Dresden show coming up on February 12th. We will also link the closing months of World War II with the Jewish / Bolshevik / Satanist / age old hatred of Christianity. The Jewish fanatic, hatred fuels their desire to do the will of their father the Devil.**
Jewish Bolshevik hatred is the driving force behind their age old desire to exterminate every White Christian on earth, as manifested through the Jews being the instigators of every single White fratricidal war of the last 300 years and before- Lincoln’s War on the South, World War I and II, the Holodomor, Eisenhower death camps, Operation keelhaul, the bombing with torpedoes of civilian refugee boats…
Cohost: Monika “Braveheart” Schaefer (former German political prisoner)
Guest: Kathleen Dudley (New Mexico land rights patriot)
Join Blood River Radio tonight to learn about the controversial constructs of natural law versus maritime law and Bar law. We at BRR will continue in this series to impress upon “We the People” just how corrupt the entire system of justice in this country, how easy it is to lose all your “imagined rights” and how totally innocent citizens are being cast into prison.
Guests: Jason Robb Attorney at Law and Rayn Owens ( Chairman Alabama League of the South)
Jason Robb attorney at law gives us the straight-scoop on how the current state of justice is dispensed in the USA and the Western world. Jason advises our listeners on how one should react when dealing with either construct of law: Bar law, maritime law and/or common law. Our attorney gives advice on the risks involved with reliance on receiving fair treatment in either of these conceptualized systems of justice: Bar Law and/or common law.
Guests: Sam Dixon Attorney at Law and Rayn Owen Chairman Alabama League of the South
Join us BRR men as the nationally-known, well-respected attorney Sam Dixon and Eddie “war game” Blood River Radio’s planned trip to Ole Miss this Spring. Plus, Sam will regale us, as only Sam “The Master Story-Teller” can, on what could best be described as mental illness in the young, White BLM Antifa population/ Sam best labels these counter-revolutionaries as “deserters” . . . deserters of their own race!
Next up, Rayn reports in from the latest operation that the League of the South undertook in North Alabama. It is the first League field operation since the Charlottesville trial ended several months ago.
Hosts: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller and Monika “Braveheart” Schaefer
Guest: Miss Kathleen Dudley
Miss Braveheart is riding shotgun on this big interview with a new guest – Miss Kathleen Dudley of New Mexico. Miss Dudley is very knowledgeable on laws regarding sovereignty and the jurisdiction boundaries per various laws, i.e. state, federal…
Miss Dudley will also speak on corruption in the courts, especially on land grabs by government.
We begin tonight’s broadcast with “Mr. Buddy” presenting his indepth and thorough investigative report on the tragic case in Georgia involving three innocent White men who were absolutely railroaded by the out of control, communist penal system – I refuse to use the term “court” in such an blatantly obvious sham proceeding. A career negro criminal was caught red-handed in the act of committing a felony – just one in a long, long series of crimes, many of which turned violent. Three White men, a father and son duo along with a neighbor, attempted to detain the negro for questioning – that’s when things turned tragic. To make a long story short: all 3 Whites are now incarcerated serving life for the accidental killing of a worthless, career black feral animal.
The Bombardier welcomes Patrick Ryan for his debut on Blood River Radio. Patrick has an incredible 20 plus year resume in mainstream radio. He lost his standing with mainstream, establishment broadcasting when he took sides with the wrong people after The Battle of Charlottesville in August 12, 2017. Patrick was convicted by the Jewish Ziomedia controllers of “wrongthink” and he was caught red-handed having a “faulty belief system”. Since being unpersoned by the Ziomedia, Patrick has become a worldwide radio icon. We are very happy to have him on BRR, I know you will love Patrick. Tune in tonight as he drops his share of napalm on the Jew World Order.
Miss Protopapas is a longtime activist for White survival. She lives in New York where she writes extensively and publishes historical articles for many publications. We were fortunate to read one of her articles in The Freedom Times newspaper and knew we had to have her on BRR. Tune in tonight and be educated on the REAL story of The Constitution and other salient topics critical to White survival!
Guest: Alabama Chairman League of the South, Rayn Owens
Storyline: On January 6, 2007 two precious, attractive, young White adults, 23 year old Hugh Christopher Newsome Jr and 21 year old Channon Gail Christian were carjacked and kidnapped by the same age old old nemesis. Four humanoid killer-apes and one sheboon kidnapped Christopher and Channon to a rented building in an isolated area. That abandoned site became the scene of one of the worst events of sheer terror, torture and murder beyond the ability of decent Whites to comprehend.
Tonight, the Blood River Radio men pay homage to those hapless White victims. We use the first hour to memorialize those two precious Whites who were tortured beyond belief!
Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller Guests: Rayn Owens and Monika “Braveheart” Schaefer
Storyline: Monika joins The Bombardier and Rayn Owens in covering the Ghislaine Maxwell saga, projecting where it will end. Will Ghislaine Maxwell put the finger on those big name Johns in her black book: we hope so!
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