Fred is THE world’s foremost expert on execution equipment. He is recognized as such by 3 nations: The United States of America, Canada and some states in Germany.
Jim Rizoli is an expert on the so-called holocaust. Tonight, Fred and Jim will cover the hot topic of revisionist-pretenders, controlled opposition, downright charlatans and even “alleged Mossad infiltration into the Alt-Right/ revisionist community.
Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller Guests: Gene “The Bitter Ender” Andrews and Monika “Braveheart” Schaefer
Tonight, Monika plays cleanup hitter for Hour 1 and covers all things pertaining to the Canadian White rights situation.
Gene does his presentation on the latest worldwide attack on White / Southern racial heritage with special emphasis on anti-White atrocities perpetrated in his hometown, Nashville.
We also honor the fallen Americans sacrificed on the altar of international Judaism, shining a light on the many Bolshevik / communist traitors at the highest levels in American government / deep state who have brought us Pearl Harbor and tens of thousands of American dead as a result of World War II; the same bunch who are attempting to get Americans into yet another in a series of endless wars to make the world into their Jewish image.
Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller Guests: Attorney at Law Jason Robb and Tamara Goodwin
Attorney Jason Robb breaks down the despicable miscarriage of justice in the Unites States of America with special emphasis on the conviction of the 3 White men in Georgia in the self-defense shooting of Ahmaud Arbery, a serial violent felon.
Tamara Goodwin brings us up-to-date on the conviction of all the men serving prison time as a result of participation in “The Battle of Charlottesville”, August 12, 2017.
The Bombardier is joined by our two superb guest in the following topics: ZOG’s hatred of all things White/Christian, manifested in the continued, annual suppression of the most American of all Holidays – Thanksgiving. The 58th Anniversary of the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy on November 22, 1963. The Jewish Cabal’s hijacking of the ongoing Unite the Right trial (UTR) Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller Guests: Paul Fromm, Monika Schaefer and Fred Leuchter
Fred Leuchter joins the trio of Eddie, Monika Schaefer and Paul Fromm in continuing the hour 1 discussions. Plus, we breakdown the Jew’s use of the so-called climate change hoax – just another Talmudic/Orwellian bogie-man to scare the hell out of the dim bulb, cattle-like masses into surrendering their national sovereignty to the Jew-nited nations. The dim bulbs can’t comprehend that the endgame of the Jew World Order is exterminating Whites in America, indirectly/directly by the total shutting down of production and use of all fossil fuel: coal, natural gas, oil. We discuss several other pertinent topics.
Guests: Michael Hill – Director League of the South and Richard Hamblen – Defense witness in November, 2021 Charlottesville Unite the Right trial
Tonight our guests will breakdown the entire story of the Unite the Right rally from its very beginning on August 12,2017 to the present day of November 2021.
Hosts: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller and Gene “The Bitter Ender” Andrews Guest: Sam Dixon, imminent attorney, Southern Gentleman and Patriot of the first order
Tonight, you will not want to miss the great Sam Dixon give his version of the entire Charlottesville saga, as few others can. Gene Andrews will bring us up to date on all things to do with the General Nathan Bedford Forrest home and museum. The Bombardier covers the psychotic bastards in Washington DC – at the instruction of their jew masters- pushing the world ever closer into all out nuclear war with Russia. The jews hate Russia ever since the jew bankers were kicked out and Russia went into full Christian revival.
Guest: Alabama Chief The League of the South Rayn Owens
Rayn breaks down week 3 of the ongoing saga in Charlottesville, Virginia where participants of the August 12,2017 “Unite the Right” rally are on trial in Federal court for conspiracy to commit racially motivated violence. In actuality, Whites from all points of the national compass were in Charlottesville protesting the destruction of yet another iconic symbol of White culture—the statue of Robert E. Lee in Lee Park. Eddie instructs in the futility and utter stupidity of White Southerners—especially Whites of the Christian faith – to continue the charade of participating in ZOG . . . that has as its final solution nothing less than the utter destruction of all White people over the entire world!
Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller Guests: Fred Leuchter Engineer, Gas Chamber Expert and Jason Robb Attorney at Law
Join us tonight as our guests problem solve / war game how best to get the world’s only gas chamber expert admitted into court as an expert witness for the defense in the Unite the Right trial in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller and Gene “Bitter Ender” Andrews Guest: Rayn Owens, Chairman, Alabama League of the South
Rayn Owens brings us up to date on what happened at the Unite the Right trial the week of November 1 – November 5, 2021. Eddie and Gene add comments in relation to their experiences at the August 12, 2017 Battle of Charlottesville and the pertinent points of the Kangaroo trial.
Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller Guest: Jim Rizzoli
Jim Rizzoli is a former radio and TV Producer and Director. Jim and his associate, Dianne King, are still very active making videos. Tonight, Jim will be covering their new release, The Real Holocaust – “The Ukrainian Holodomor”.
Guests: Birthe Voss (Citizen of Germany), Fred Leuchter (Engineer), Jürgen Neumann (right-hand man of Ernst Zundel)
Tonight’s guests are experts at shining the light of truth on probably the greatest lie ever told . . . the so called “Holocaust”. Birthe had relatives that suffered at the hands of the Jews in Germany from the nineteen-twenties through World War I, World War II. She and her kinsmen are still suffering to the present day because of the sons of their father “The Devil”, the eternal Jew. The stinking Jews can commit any atrocity and be excused because, after all, they are the eternal, innocent victims of the Holohoax!
Newcomers to Blood River Radio are in for a purely delightful treat tonight with our duo of esteemed guests. Monika Schaefer is a German Canadian who paid the price for committing crime-speak. Monika made a short video based on in-depth research that shined the light of truth on that mother of all linchpin lies – the Holocaust lie. Monika was arrested and put on trial in the German courts. She refused to back down, courageously stood her ground and defended her convictions. Monika, after being pronounced guilty of “disputing the official German narrative” on the Holocaust, was imprisoned in Germany for simply exercising her God-given right of free speech!
Birthe Voss is a German national who has lived in Germany all her life. Birthe has been a fearless and tireless White rights activist since early adulthood and even before.
Join The Bombardier and these two outstanding guests on BRR as we bring you the latest true news in Germany and the world that has a direct and vital bearing upon the White race.
SPECIAL- BEIRUT BARRACKS BOMBING BROADCAST OCTOBER 23, 1983 : 307 fatalities, 241 US Military personnel, 58 French Military personnel, 6 civilians and supposedly 2 suicide bombers
Hosts: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller and Gene “The Bitter Ender” Andrews
Gene was a US Marine Corps Officer who served a tour in Vietnam with the Marine Corps Engineers. Gene has greeted the VC up close and personal! Being a Marine, Gene has a special interest in tonight’s broadcast . . . exposing yet another crime on the list of endless crimes committed against Americans and indeed, the world’s White, Christians by the same old ancient enemy . . . the JEW! It’s always Jews all the time AND they ALWAYS get a free pass, except here, on Blood River Radio! Join us tonight as we nail the Satanic Jew’s asses to the wall over their murderous ways.
Join up with the Bombardier for an all League of the South star-studded guest list. That’s right. All 3 guys, along with the Bombardier, on tonight’s broadcast are active members in the League of the South. Tonight we will concentrate one hundred percent on our efforts for SOLUTIONS. We will leave the negativity, the empty and endless complaining about seemingly endless threats facing the world’s White, Christians to other radio media. WE at BRR deal in SOLUTIONS! Tune-in tonight and you will get an earful but then, YOU- the BRR listeners need to ACT on the Solutions!
Hosts: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller and Monika “Brave Heart” Schaefer
Guest: Mark Tomey, Chief of Operations League of the South
Join The Bombardier as he welcomes Mark back for his second appearance on BRR to discuss all things pertaining to League news and we offer up solutions to combat the ever growing deadly threat to what remains of our once great republic. Monika rides shotgun as only she can!
Hosts: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller, Gene “Bitter Ender” Andrews and Monika “Brave Heart” Schaefer
Tune in to the 2nd hour as we pickup where we left off offering solutions to combat being exterminated by the Luciferian Bolshevik Satanists who have captured the once great American Republic.
Hosts: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller and Monika “Brave Heart” Schaefer
Eddie returns to home base to give a summary of his two week road trip speaking tour to Zinc, Arkansas and Pine Level, Alabama covering meetings of the Knights Council of the Ku Klux Klan and the League of the South. Then, Monika brings us up to speed on all the latest in Western Canadian news.
Hosts: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller and Gene “The Bitter Ender” Andrews
“The Bitter-Ender” returns to BRR to give a full report on the reinterment of the greatest General the South ever produced — General Nathan Bedford Forrest. The Sons of Confederate Veterans ( SCV ) had to rescue the Great General’s Body and rebury him and his wife to prevent the desecration of the graves by feral black animals and Satanic antifa.
Guests: Dr Michael Hill, Director League of the South, rank and file League Members
Join the Bombardier as he tells the Blood River Radio family all about his speech and shares his experience of his wonderful fellowship with brother League Members.
Guests: Pastor Thomas Robb, Jason Robb, Rachael Pendergraph and fellow Knights
Pastor Robb is national director of the Knights Party of the Ku Klux Klan. Attorney Jason Robb is the legal counsel for the Knights and Rachael is operations officer.
The Congress is 3 days in length and it concludes Sunday night with the scared ritual lighting the cross. To say it is a emotional 3 days is a gross understatement.
Stay tuned as Blood River Radio, the only nationally syndicated radio network with the intelligence and moral courage to openly support this Christian organization, brings you the real story and truth about the Ku Klux Klan.
Hosts: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller and Rich Hamblen
Guest: Dr Michael Hill, Director of the League of the South
Tune in as Blood River Radio closes this 5 part series remembering “A watershed moment” in the history of the formerly great Republic of the United States of America.
Indeed, August 12, 2017 will forever be burned into the hearts, souls and minds of everyone that played a part in that epoch event . . . “The Battle of Charlottesville”.
Tonight, Dr Michael covers the lawfare being perpetrated against the last “hardcore White-rights group still standing. Four years ago, there were dozens of so-called Alt-right organizations in America.
Today, the League of the South is pretty much the only one of relevance still standing. All the rest of the scared little boy-wanna-be-men have run for the tall grass! The League has vowed to never, ever, tuck tail, regardless of what the Jew-nited states of Amerika throws at us!
Hosts: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller and Gene “Bitter-Ender” Andrews Special Guest: Jason Kessler, Organizer of The Unite the Right in Charlottesville, Virginia
Jason Kessler, the man who organized the Unite the Right conference in Charlottesville, Virginia, very fittingly closes out BRR’s special 5 part series on “The Battle of Charlottesville.” Jason is in the same boat with Dr Hill and the LOS. They are both being attacked in court by the same old suspect . . .the Jew. Tune in and listen to the latest in the age old battle between Christ and the sons of their father, the Devil.
Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller and Gene “The Bitter Ender” Andrews
Guests: Matt Goodwin and Rich Hamblen
All four men on hour 1 – Eddie, Gene, Matt and Rich were at The Battle of Charlottesville back on 8/12/17. Join in the fray tonight as the Charlottesville four relate to the listeners every detail they experienced that fateful day.
Hosts: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller and Gene “The Bitter Ender” Andrews
Eddie and Gene cover the tragedy of 40,000 American citizens in danger of being deserted and stranded by the U.S. in Afghanistan, while thousands of young, military-aged Afghan men are being air-lifted to America! These Afghans are being set up like royalty while the average American grandma and grandpa are struggling to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.
Jacob and Matt have been co-hosting, ad-lib, since Blood River Radio (BRR) first aired in October of 2018. Both men were there with Eddie at the Battle of Charlottesville on August 12, 2017.
In fact, Eddie, Matt Goodwin, Rich Hamblen, Gene Andrews and Simon Roche of South Africa rode together in the same vehicle to and from Charlottesville. The Battle of Charlottesville was a watershed in America. On that historic day, everyone that fate placed on the scene was made abundantly aware of what a terrorist outlaw government looks like: such an overwhelming display of raw, unbridled, lawless power. That kind of force can only be sustained and displayed by a Luciferian, Bolshevik, Satanist government/crime cabal—it was too painfully demonstrated for all who were there—the complete totality of the takeover of the former Republic of these United States of America by the sons of their father the devil. (John 8:44 KJV)
Tune in tonight as the only radio program in America that had all 4 hosts on the scene, boots on the ground that fateful day.
Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller Guest: Sam Dixon, Attorney at Law and Anglo-Saxon patriot, summa cum laude
Sam Dixon has been a stalwart in the defense of our European race for many years. He has paid a dear price for his openly manifested love of blood and soil. For instance, Sam’s life is in clear and present danger from troops of “feral blacks and crack-smoking Antifa” sicked on by the Satanic Jew owners.
Sam has the complete respect and admiration of every person in our movement. A great debt is owed to Sam by our race, including the yet unborn.
Tune in on hour two as Sam breaks down Charlottesville, identifying all the shards of “shrapnel” that continue to injure 4 years later and beyond.
Guests: Tamara Goodwin, mother of Charlottesville political prisoner, Jacob Goodwin and Nellie, eyewitness to frame-up kangaroo court of Jacob Goodwin and Daniel Bordan
Tonight, Tamara and Nellie give a well-documented, eyewitness account of what “REALLY HAPPENED” in Charlottesville, Virginia that fateful day 8.12.17, a day forever seared into the memories of all who were there with detailed recount of the pain and suffering that continues everyday, even 4 years latter, to be inflicted upon the victims of the Luciferian, Bolshevik takeover of the once free American Republic.
Hosts: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller and Gene “Bitter Ender” Andrews
Blood River Radio’s grizzled old Charlottesville veterans carry on the 2nd segment of remembering what really happened at The Battle of Charlottesville
Pastor Robb is National Director of The Knights Council of the Klu Klux Klan HQ in Harrison, Arkansas.
Paul Fromm is a Canadian national and a retired educator. Paul has been an absolute stalwart activist for White human rights for many years.
Paul has never faltered in his efforts in the face of massive, unending attacks from governments and NGOs.
The Battle of Charlottesville was 4 years ago, August 12, 2021. Blood River Radio started our dedication/memorial to that historical watershed event one week early.
Our memorial will continue on for several weeks throughout the month of August. We are also educating ourselves and our beloved listeners to the historical ties with earlier battles, i.e the Battles of Chicago and of Washington, D.C. years prior to Charlottesville . . . What are the common denominators linking all these aforementioned battles together? What was the significance? What were the effects on the White race then and what effects are being felt today? What are the implications for the future?
Tune in tonight as BRR tries to answer some of these questions.
Hosts: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller and Gene “The Bitter Ender” Andrews
Gene Andrews is back this week for session number 2 in his special presentation on the United States illegal invasion of the newly independent Confederate States of America.
Gene holds court and takes us all to school on that tragic, barbaric war the newly created independent sovereign 13 states.
Learn how in 1860, Lincoln’s outlaw terrorist cabal set the pattern of preemptive all-out attack on helpless sovereign nations to be used as a template and standard operations for how the United States conducts foreign policy to this day . . . if any nation doesn’t bend to the will or the almighty Jew-nited States, they get bombed and/or invaded – Iran, Iraq, Syria, Haiti, Germany, Japan, Libya . . . on and on and on ad nauseam . . . Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden!
The General is a warrior’s warrior, a soldier’s General and a fighting front-line General. It has been proven in 3 different armies on several continents, in many battles round the globe. He is currently serving in the Croatian Parliament. Best of all, the General is my dearest, most valued, most trusted friend – my Brother! Tonight, the General and I will brief our precious BRR Family on the world-wide-Luciferian-Bolshevik-Satanic take over of all Western governments. We will let you know what those Satan worshiping bastards have planned for the global White, Christian population . . . it’s going to be mass executions of Whites if they aren’t defeated.
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