BRR 2020-05-09 Hour 1 Show

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Hosted by Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller

GUEST:  Former Political Prisoner, Monika “Braveheart” Schaefer and current German Resident, Birthe “Spartan” Voss.

Tonight will mark our 3rd episode in our series debunking  the biggest lie ever told — the so called “Holocaust.” Tonight, the entire 2 hours will be devoted to the debunking process, supported by exhaustive research and documentation. For a full and complete description of the series, read the show notes and listen to the archived programs dated April 18th and April 25th.



BRR 2020-05-09 Hour 2 Show

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Hosted by Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller

GUEST:  Monika “Braveheart” Schaefer and Birthe “Spartan” Voss

The second hour picks up and carries on with our exhaustively researched and documented study debunking the greatest Lie of the last 200 years- the “so called” Holocaust! To get a full picture of our monumental 6 hour radio project debunking job, please listen to the 1st hour of tonight’s show along with the two April shows – April 18 and April 25th.



BRR 2020-05-02 Hour 1 Show

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Hosted by Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller, Jacob “Moon Dog” Tyler

GUEST: Pastor Everett Sileven Ramsey

Jacob and Pappy welcome Pastor Everett Ramsey  to the show for the first time.  Pastor Ramsey tells the incredible story of America’s First Padlocked Church.  An appalling tale of government overreach and corruption and religious persecution predating Patriot Acts 1 & 2, Waco and Ruby Ridge and even the betrayal and murder of Gordon Kahl which quite arguably set the precedent for state-sponsored religious persecution of Christians in America.

Pastor Ramsey and Jacob talk about how these events tie in with the current Covid-19 Hysteria and about the desperate need for Christians and Pastors in America to overcome their fears and stand strongly and stand courageously against the growing encroachments and attacks against our liberties in America today.

You can check out Pastor Ramsey’s ministry and website at

You can learn the full story in his book,  America’s First Padlocked Church which can be purchased at his website and is a great way to support his ministry—being one of several excellent books written by Pastor Ramsey:

Pastor Ramsey emphasizes that his books are available for free to anyone who wants them, and in so doing sets an excellent example of performing ministry work regardless of the cost with faith that God will provide.  This is great news for anyone who can’t afford to buy the books, but we here at BRR would like to encourage you all to support Pastor Ramsey’s ministry as much as possible and buy his excellent books—especially America’s First Padlocked Church.



BRR 2020-05-02 Hour 2 Show

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Hosted by Eddie “The Bombardier”

GUEST: Dr. Michael Hill, Ike Baker, Chief of Operations for The League of the South

Now here this people: The first Saturday of the month is always LOS weekend, on 2nd hour, until further notice. As such, we discuss all things pertaining to LOS, plus other things currently in the news we consider worthy of notice aka the giant Psychological Operation being run against the Global White Race by the international Zion-industrial-Government Complex with their intention — goal of a one world Government run by the Jew! And having all whites, except for a very small number to be used as slaves, exterminated!



BRR 2020-04-25 Hour 1 Show

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Hosted by Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller Cohosted by  Monika “Braveheart” Schaefer and Birthe “Spartan” Voss.

Tonight features episode number 2 of our series breaking down and dissecting the most gigantic lie of the 20th and 21st century, exposing that most sacred and sacrosanct of all sacred cows, the atrocity to trump all atrocities, that jealous god that will have no other gods before it . . THE HOLLOWCAUSE!



BRR 2020-04-25 Hour 2 Show

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Hosted by Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller Cohosted by  Monika “Braveheart” Schaefer and Birthe “Spartan” Voss.

Pappy and the ladies of BRR roar into the 2nd hour with vim and vigor as they continue their no-holds-barred series of episodes dismantling  Hollowcause lore piece by piece!



BRR 2020-04-18 Hour 1 Show

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Hosted by Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller, Monika Schaefer and Birthe Voss.

The first half of hour 1 is a critique of the last 2 shows, with repeat emphasis placed on very important events unfolding before our eyes here in the USA that exactly mirror events that occurred in every single nation in Eastern Europe and the old Soviet Union that manifested itself with the Luciferian /Bolshevik take-over. weaved into the critique was the lawless imprisonment of former Texas Congressman Steve Stockman, with implications having direct bearing on today’s lawless America. The Second half of hour 1’s show saw the beginning of BRR’s series expose’ putting the Holocaust sacred cow to where it belongs – – into the garbage bin of historical lies!




BRR 2020-04-18 Hour 2 Show

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Hosted by Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller Cohosted by  Monika “Braveheart” Schaefer and Birthe “Spartan” Voss.

BRR continues our series exposing the falsehoods and fabrications which permeate and pervade the holocaust industry in tonight’s show.  Pappy, Birthe and Monika rip back the curtain of this Hollowcause sideshow, exposing it for the trade marked, patented, racket that it is—demonstrating not just the fraudulent nature of the whole paradigm, but also how it has been vaunted and elevated by the mainstream media to the status of a religion.  A religion whose false, satanic god is bitterly jealous and who will accept no others before it.  Abandon hope in the prevailing zeitgeist, all ye who enter here!



BRR 2020-04-11 Hour 1 Show

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Hosted by: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller

Guest: Mrs. Patti Stockman wife of Former Congressman Steve Stockman ( R-TX)

BRR welcomes returning guest, Mrs. Patti Stockman to tonight’s program. Mrs. Stockman is here to give us the latest news on her husband Steve Stockman’s dire medical condition. Steve is a political prisoner who was locked up by the Obama administration and is still serving time in a  very dangerous Louisiana Federal prison; a prison that’s normally reserved for high risk, violent repeat offenders. Even though Congressman Stockman was wrongly convicted of a victimless crime. Congressmen Stockman is vulnerable to contracting the Corona Virus due to his very poor state of health and advanced age, if the hype about the threat level of this virus is to be believed.

It’s worth noting that the Congressman was “hot on the trail” of rogue persons of interest in the crime ridden Obama administration, including, but not limited to the Jewish Head of the Fed, Lois Lerner.  Conveniently for the higher ups who Congressman Stockman’s courageous efforts were about to call into account, the deep state was gripped by the sudden “revelation” that it was none other than this public servant and statesman who was breaking the law, and with remarkable speed and efficiency for a justice system that is notoriously slow and inefficient, prosecuted and jailed the Congressman for his alleged crimes.  Which in the discerning eyes of patriots throughout the country, is in reality nothing more than having the nerve to try to hold elected officials accountable in the New Socialist States of AmeriKa .



BRR 2020-04-11 Hour 2 Show

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Hosted by: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller, joined by BRR co-host, Monika Schaefer

Guest: Gene Andrews, League of the South Stalwart, retired history teacher, former Olympic athlete, Vietnam vet and marine officer and volunteer for the General Nathan Bedford Forrest Museum and childhood home site.  Honorary BRR staff member.

The BRR staff welcomes Gene back to read a copy of the letter he sent to The Commandant of the US Marine Corps. Gene calls the Marine Corps Commandant on the carpet for his capitulation to the Jew dominated press – the “sellout Commandant” disrespected marines of Southern heritage by banning all symbols of old Southern History and most particularly Confederate History. Monika gives a preview of the upcoming BRR series of shows debunking the so called “Holocaust” .



BRR 2020-04-04 Hour 1 Show

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Hosted by: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller

Guest: Michael MaHarrey of the Tenth Amendment Center

The Bombardier welcomes President of the Tenth Amendment Center, Michael Maharrey, to his first ever appearance on BRR. We will, of course, cover The Constitution of the United States, paying close attention to The Bill of Rights, focusing even closer attention to the huge power the X Amendment gives to the Sovereign States in curbing a runaway Central Government’s abusive intrusion into every area of the citizen’s life. The Tenth Amendment has never been needed more than today in the wake of the Globalist using the Chinese virus / Corona ( Kung Fu Flu ) as an excuse to charge ever closer to full blown, Soviet type Marshall Law.



BRR 2020-04-04 Hour 2 Show

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Hosted by: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller

Guest: Dr. Michael Hill, Director of the League of the South and Ike Baker, Operations Chief for League of the South.

This being the first Saturday of the month, Pappy spends the hour with Mike and Ike covering LOS business and all of the latest topics of the day having a bearing on the same.



BRR 2020-03-28 Hour 1 Show

Hour 1

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Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller

Guest: Dr. Tomislav Sunic

Tonight on the 1st hour of our show, Blood River Radio is blessed and honored to be hosting a Croatian /American Arch Patriot- Dr. Tomislav Sunic. Doctor Sunic began by regaling us with his incredible Biography and continued the rest of the hour detailing his fight against the evils of the Zio-Communist-Satanist conspiracy, whose putrid tendrils are currently embedded, not unlike a certain virus everyone is in a tizzy over at present, in every living cell of government, academia, and the mainstream church throughout the western world. Especially here in America and Canada.

Regarding tonight’s interview with Dr. Sunic, Pappy commented, “I believe Doctor Sunic is the most remarkable intellectual I’ve interviewed, not just because he is an obvious near genius, but mostly because of his humility, gentility and raw courage – all this in one living, breathing, mortal Man of Christ. You will only cheat your self if you pass on this interview!”

You can support Dr. Sunic by buying his books and checking out his work here:






BRR 2020-03-28 Hour 2 Show

Hour 2

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Hour 2

Hosted by: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller

Guest: Major General Nick Glasnovic

After many months of hot pursuit, The Bombardier, with the assistance of Doctor Tomislav Sunic – was able to bring The Living Legend on as our guest to Blood River Radio!

General “Nick” told us about his amazing biography, not the least, having to do with his incredibly  brave military career. The General is a fighting General, unlike those traitor American Generals in the ilk of “The Swedish Jew” Eisenhower , and General George Marshall. General Nick fought in the Canadian Army in the mid east along side American Troops and, later on, from 1991-1995 he fought in the war of Croatian Independence (his native homeland). General Nick was wounded numerous times, at least one of those instances being grievous. He later was elected to the Croatian Parliament where he serves to this day. General Nick remains very active today as a new wave patriot in the service of his native Croatia and indeed, his white racial kinsmen scattered throughout the globe.


BRR 2020-03-21 Hour 1 Show

Hour 1

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Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller, Jacob Tyler

Guest: Dr. Kevin MacDonald

Jacob and Eddie host the first hour and welcome Dr. Kevin MacDonald back to the show to discuss the numerous psychological aspects of the pathological altruism that afflicts westerners and the many ways in which this exacerbates the travails of the Anglosphere.

You can purchase Dr. MacDonald’s latest book on Amazon here:

You can subscribe to The Occidental Quarterly here:

And you can check out the Occidental Observer here:
Of special interest in regard to tonight’s interview is TOO’s latest article on Covid-19:







BRR 2020-03-21 Hour 2 Show

Hour 2

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Hour 2

Hosted by: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller and Jacob Tyler

Guest: Pastor John Weaver of Freedom Ministries

Jacob and Eddie kick off the 2nd hour and welcome Pastor John Weaver back for his second outing with Blood River Radio.
No conversation with Pastor Weaver would be complete without some discussion on Confederate History, but the conversation gets really interesting when Pastor Weaver discusses with us how the scriptures’ warning to us that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and the powers of this present darkness” were observable even back in the 1800’s, as Pastor Weaver debunks the “sacred” American mythos about the alleged Christian testimony of Abraham Lincoln and other extenuating conspiratorial aspects of the war of secession.

We also tackle the fabled talking point of the regressive left about how no matter what can be said in defense of the south, the war was about ending slavery, and therefore the end justifies the means as Pastor Weaver points out how slavery is a multi-layered and complex topic, not to mention a phenomenon that has always been observable in every corner of the world on up to the present.

Pastor Weaver’s sermons can be listened to and downloaded at Sermon Audio.  ( and you can view his sermons on Youtube here:


BRR 2020-03-14 Hour 1 Show

Hour 1

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Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller, Monika Schaefer

Guest: Birthe Voss


Matt “The Mole” and Jacob “Moon Dog” Tyler are busy working jobs and covering behind the scenes doing all the vital stuff to keep BRR up and functioning but is never seen by our listeners this week.

Eddie plays 2nd fiddle tonight functioning as MC bringing the Cohost and Guest in & out of the breaks.  Monika and Birthe talk all about special concerns of women and children trapped in the total disintegration of the Milieu – specifically war, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. Monika also gives us the boots on the ground, strait-scoop, eye witness news about the unraveling of the national boundaries of the once all white nations of Europe, as whites are being over run by countless hordes of nonwhite, feral [ humans ? ]







BRR 2020-03-14 Hour 2 Show

Hour 2

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Hour 2

Hosted by: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller and Monika Schaefer

Guest: Janiece Hamblen

Monika continues on as Host in the first ever all women’s night at Blood River Radio.

Monika and Janiece continue carry the 2nd hour, as they expand upon the White women’s Holocaust inflicted on the entire population of Western Europe and especially inflicted upon German Women and female children. The Mongol hordes were unleashed by the Jooish Commissars of the Red Army upon  the women and children of Western Europe. The feral humans were encouraged to plunder, rape, torture, and mutilate every female in their path. Children as young as 4 yrs old and 90 year old white ladies were raped to death in full view of Family members being forced to watch! We are already witnessing such horrors again in present day South Africa, where white females AND males receive the same merciless torture at the hands of marauding, subhuman, demon-possessed blacks.


BRR 2020-03-07 Hour 1 Show

Hour 1

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Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller

Guest: Dr. Michael Hill

Eddie and Dr Hill discuss the April 24, 25, and 26 Faith and Freedom Conference in Harrison Arkansas and the League of the South National Convention in June. We also cover Dr. Hill’s court case in Charlottesville, Virginia scheduled later this year. We discuss the deteriorating conditions in America, morally, ethically and legally. There is no law in this nation. We are living in a criminal Zionist occupied territory that has become openly hostile to white Christians, the founding stock of this nation.







BRR 2020-03-07 Hour 2 Show

Hour 2

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Hour 2

Hosted by: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller and Jacob Tyler

Guest: Pastor John Weaver of Freedom Baptist Ministries

Pappy and Jacob welcome Pastor John Weaver to the show for his first ever appearance on the program.  Pastor Weaver and the gang talk about the true history and significance of the Confederate Battle Flag, Biblical Law and the Constitution, the correct application of Romans 13 to the Christian life and the unrelenting need to resist evil and seek revival; which are requisite to true reformation and the restoration of our country.

You can listen to Pastor Weaver’s sermons at


BRR 2020-02-29 Hour 1 Show

Hour 1

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Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller, Matt “The Mole” Goodwin

Guest: Monika Schaefer ( German Canadian,former political prisoner, current President of an organization representing truth and justice for the German People ).

This, the last BRR broadcast of February 2020, ends our month long memorial to the World War Two Holocaust of Dresden, Germany. Eddie, Matt and Monika hold court on the seemingly unstoppable program of Global White genocide orchestrated from the highest levels of – world government, NGO’s and the few individuals of the super rich trillionaire class.The The Corona Virus ultra negative effect on all the world’s nations was dissected. Monika tells us about her appointment to The Organization for Truth and Justice for Germany and the German people.







BRR 2020-02-29 Hour 2 Show

Hour 2

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Hour 2

Hosted by: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller

Guest: 1. Monika Schaefer (A former Canadian political prisoner of German descent and President of Truth and justice for Germans and Germany) 2. Jason Bartlett (Afrikaner, Activist)

Eddie carries us through the 2nd hour, continuing the discussion with Monika Schaefer and interviewing Jason Bartlett, an Afrikaner and activist who is currently undertaking a nationwide walk from Austin, Texas to Washington D.C. to shine light and make noise on the ongoing epidemic of white genocide in South Africa and bring one of the greatest civil rights issues of our age to the attention of American officialdom.


BRR 2020-02-22 Hour 1 Show

Hour 1

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Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller

Guest: Jason Bartlett, Jason Robb — Attorney for the Knight’s Party

This week finds the BRR Staff ailing. Matt “The Mole” is ill, Lee is out of Studio.

Hour 1 of tonight’s program showcases a real live Boer on mission from SA to America to bring attention to the horrible plight of South African Whites: they are being exterminated by the black population and in the most horrific ways imaginable. We here at BRR will fight Global White Genocide with every breath of our body and with every once of strength God continues to supply us with! Tune in as Eddie and Jason help MR Jason Bartlett expose what the Ziomedia attempts to constantly quash.






BRR 2020-02-22 Hour 2 Show

Hour 2

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Hour 2

Hosted by: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller

Guest: Jason Robb and Paul Fromm

Eddie “The Bombardier” turns control of The BRR B-17 over to Jason, as he expertly interviews Paul Fromm and delves deeply into the latest onslaught against free speech in Canada and the Global War against Whites.



BRR 2020-02-15 Hour 1 Show

Hour 1

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Host: Eddie Miller, Lee Cochran, Gene Andrews

Special Guest: Paul English- Film maker and publisher of many books and articles on White Genocide.

Continuing on with Dresden month, Eddie and Lee are in Studio with Gene “Mr. Marine Gene” Andrews.   Gene drives the interview with Mr. Paul English as we BRR Guys continue our memoriam of the atrocities of Dresden which have been so shamefully buried by the global Ziomedia for all these years.  We have made it our mission at BRR to make noise and shine light on the massive Global Genocidal campaign started over 150 years ago by our Satan worshiping blood enemies. Stay tuned and help us expose the devilish Jooish heirarchy enslaving us!






BRR 2020-02-15 Hour 2 Show

Hour 2

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Hour 2

Hosted by: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller and Matt “The Mole” Goodwin

Guest: Dr. Edward DeVries, Pastor, Scholar and author of over 24 books on Southern Culture and the so-called “Civil War.”

Hang on as Matt “The Mole” Goodwin joins Eddie and Lee graciously filling in for Jacob “Moon Dog” Tyler, who took the night off to recover from sickness and attend to matters of hearth-fire on the homefront. We promise to make this 2nd hour one you’ll be glad you didn’t miss!



BRR 2020-02-08 Hour 1 Show

Hour 1

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Host: Eddie Miller, Lee Cochran, Matt Goodwin

It’s Dresden Month ( Global White Genocide on 3rd generation steroids  x1000! ).

The Blood River Guys rip the International Jewish Globalist cabal a new one!   We present the raw facts which demonstrate that all wars are Jew Wars in which we “Goyim” are but hapless and expendable pawns!






BRR 2020-02-08 Hour 2 Show

Hour 2

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Hour 2

Hosted by: Gene Andrews

Guest: Tom Goodrich ( Author of Hell Storm ), Paul English ( Movie Maker and audio book publisher ).

Eddie and Lee take a break while Co Host Gene Andrews drives one of the most emotional interviews in BRR history. Gene, Tom Goodrich leave our audience spell bound painting a true portrait of murder by incineration from bombers of the “so called good guys- the American and British heavy bombers unleashing hell on earth onto helpless civilians of not just Germany but fleeing immigrants from the Mongol Hordes unleashed on the prostrate civilians. We hope Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin are in hell from what they put those helpless people through, not to mention the most horrible war in the history of the world!



BRR 2020-02-01 Hour 1 Show

Hour 1

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Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller, Jacob “Moon Dog” Tyler and Lee “Elvis” Cochran

The Blood River Guys dissect all the latest threats to the very survival of the entire White European ( population (Christendom ). Will the white race survive the attack by our age old enemy ( the Satanic Christ-hating Jew- hang on tonight and find out!

We revisit the Battle of Charlottesville on tonight’s show, as Jacob breaks down his man-on-the-ground report he did on the event for American Free Press as an embedded journalist with the League of the South.

You can read Jacob’s article which has now been republished in the book, “Political Theater In Charlottesville” from Moon Rock Books in its entirety at the link below:
Issue 35_36 2017 AFP





BRR 2020-02-01 Hour 2 Show

Hour 2

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Hour 2

Hosted by: Eddie Miller, Lee Cochran, Jacob Tyler

Guest: League of the South Operations Officer, Ike Baker

The Blood River trio of Bombardier, Moon Dog and Elvis carry on with bayonets affixed and swords drawn! Stay tuned for blood guts,napalm and hell fire and brimstone as we entertain our fiery but eloquent brother League Guy, Ike Baker.

Check out Jacob’s blog post on the Trump phenomenon here:
Trump’s Treachery & the Black Pill’s Bane



BRR 2020-01-25 Hour 1 Show

Hour 1

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Host: Matt Goodwin

Guest: Jason Robb

Matt takes the helm for tonight’s show and fills in for Pappy–who was feeling under the weather.  Joining Matt for the first hour is our friend and recurring guest on the show, Jason Robb.







BRR 2020-01-25 Hour 2 Show

Hour 2

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Hour 2

Hosted by: Matt Goodwin, Jacob Tyler

Guest: Dr. Kevin MacDonald

Jacob joins Matt hosting the 2nd hour of tonight’s show to interview the one and only Dr. Kevin MacDonald, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at California State University, editor of Occidental Dissent, and prolific author.

You can learn more about Dr. MacDonald and his work by clicking here.

Matt and Jacob discuss Dr. MacDonald’s latest book, “Individualism and The Western Liberal Tradition” with him and chew the fat about the climate of political correctness western Christian traditions are currently laboring under at the behest of the international joos that exercise illicitly disproportionate levels of influence and power throughout the western world.


BRR 2020-01-18 Hour 1 Show

Hour 1

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Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller with Cohost Lee “Elvis” Cochran

Guest: Monika Schaefer

Dialogue: Emergency !! NOW HEAR THIS!!

We start by discussing the very dangerous crisis unfolding in Richmond Virginia – Governor Ralph Northam has vowed to disarm the entire citizenry, even threatening to use The National Guard. The Governor has promised to use all forces at his disposal to go house in search and seizure operations rivaling and even surpassing the draconian / tyrannical measures of King George two hundred forty six years ago- the actual incident that triggered “The Shot heard around the World”! We also relate the Richmond crisis to events imploding in Canada that directly impact our Canadian Guest along with not just Canadians, but all free men everywhere!







BRR 2020-01-18 Hour 2 Show

Hour 2

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Hour 2

Hosted by: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller, Lee “Elvis” Cochran

Guest: Mark Weber

The gang interviews the one and only Mark Weber, an American historian, author, lecturer and current affairs analyst.

Taken from Mr. Weber’s biography on

He is also the director of the Institute for Historical Review, an independent, public interest educational center in southern California that works to promote peace, understanding and justice through greater public awareness of the past. In particular, the IHR strives to increase understanding of the causes, nature and consequences of war and conflict.

His many articles, reviews and essays dealing with historical, political and social issues have appeared in a variety of periodicals, and in a range of languages. Over the years he has given many lectures and interviews on US foreign policy, social-political trends in the US, and international relations. He has produced dozens of broadcast talks.

Weber has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows, and has appeared many times on television, including on the nationally broadcast “Hannity and Colmes” and “Montel Williams” shows. He has conducted countless interviews with television, radio and print journalists from across the United States, and from many overseas countries.

His main areas of specialized knowledge are US foreign policy, international relations, the Second World War, and, more broadly, twentieth-century European and American history.

Weber is a controversial public figure, and has come under fire for his work and views. Partisan “watchdog” groups, including the Zionist “Anti-Defamation League” (ADL) and the far-left “Southern Poverty Law Center” (SPLC), have maliciously attacked him with distorted and demonstrably false claims. As a result, inaccurate and misleading statements about Weber sometime appear in mainstream media outlets and generally well-regarded sources such as Wikipedia.

Mark Weber was born in 1951 in Portland, Oregon, where he was also raised. He studied history at the University of Illinois (Chicago), the University of Munich (Germany), and Portland State University, from where he received a bachelor’s degree in history (with high honors). He then did graduate work in history at Indiana University (Bloomington), where he served as a history instructor and received a Master’s degree in European history.

He lived and worked for two and one-half years in Germany (Bonn and Munich), and for a time in Ghana (West Africa), where he taught English, history, and geography at an all-Black secondary school.

During the five years he lived in Washington, DC, he carried out extensive historical research at the National Archives and the Library of Congress. In 1988 Weber testified for five days in Toronto District Court as a recognized expert on Germany’s wartime Jewish policy and the Holocaust issue. He is sometimes disparaged as a “Holocaust denier,” a label he rejects as both false and malicious.

Weber moved to southern California in January 1991 to work for the IHR. He has served as its director since 1995. For nine years he was editor of the IHR’s Journal of Historical Review.

Joseph Sobran, who for years was a nationally syndicated columnist and a National Review senior editor, spoke about Weber and the IHR at the 2002 IHR Conference:

“…If I’m ‘courageous,’ what do you call Mark Weber and the Institute for Historical Review? They have been smeared far worse than I have; moreover, they have been seriously threatened with death. Their offices have been firebombed. Do they at least get credit for courage? Not at all. They remain almost universally vilified. When I met Mark, many years ago, I expected to meet a raving Jew-hating fanatic, such being the generic reputation of ‘Holocaust deniers.’ I was immediately and subsequently impressed to find that he was just the opposite: a mild-mannered, good-humored, witty, scholarly man who habitually spoke with restraint and measure, even about enemies who would love to see him dead. The same is true of other members of the Institute. In my many years of acquaintance with them, I have never heard any of them say anything that would strike an unprejudiced listener as unreasonable or bigoted.”

Selected Bibliography

The ‘Good War’ Myth of World War II, and Why It’s Dangerous

Was Hiroshima Necessary?

America In Decline: A Society In Denial

‘Darkest Hour’: Great Movie, Defective History

German Soldiers of World War II: Why They Were the Best, and Why They Still Lost

Anti-Semitism: Why Does It Exist? And Why Does it Persist?

How Hitler Tackled Unemployment And Revived Germany’s Economy

Fraudulent Nazi Quotations

Behind the Campaign for War Against Iran

A Straight Look at the Jewish Lobby

Holocaust Remembrance: What’s Behind the Campaign?

President Roosevelt’s Campaign to Incite War in Europe: The Secret Polish Documents

An ‘Unknown Holocaust’ and the Hijacking of History

In the Struggle for Peace and Justice: Countering Jewish-Zionist Power

British Historian Details Mass Killings and Brutal Mistreatment of Germans at the End of World War Two

Straight Talk About Zionism: What Jewish Nationalism Means

The Weight of Tradition: Why Judaism Is Not Like Other Religions

How Relevant is Holocaust Revisionism?

Roosevelt’s ‘Secret Map’ Speech

Zionism and the Third Reich

The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia’s Early Soviet Regime

Israel at 60: A Grim Balance Sheet

Iraq: A War For Israel

Murray Rothbard, 1926–1995

Familiar Lies for a New War: Fighting for Truth in an Age of Deceit

Winston Churchill: An Unsettled Legacy

William Chamberlin: A Man Ahead of His Time

Learning From the September 11 Attacks

The Danger of Historical Lies: Presidential Distortions of History

The Nuremberg Trials and the Holocaust

The Challenge of Jewish-Zionist Power

The Simon Wiesenthal Center: A Bastion of Jewish-Zionist Power

Simon Wiesenthal: Fraudulent ‘Nazi Hunter’

The Israel Lobby’s Campaign for War

Obama’s Promised Foreign Policy `Change’ Will Be Mostly Cosmetic

Subverting the Disney Legacy

Hitler as ‘Enlightenment Intellectual’

My Lunch With George Will: How An Influential Journalist Twists the Truth

Buchenwald: Legend and Reality

The Zionist Terror Network

The ‘Jewish Soap’ Fable

The Israel Lobby: How Important Is It?

Before the ‘Human Rights Tribunal’: The Importance of the Zündel Hearing in Toronto

The Legacy of Rudolf Hess

Changing Perspectives on German History

‘Official’ Changes in the Auschwitz Story

The Boer War Remembered

Wilhelm Höttl and the Elusive Six Million

Goebbels’ Place in History

In Translation: Selected Items

Le rôle des juifs dans la révolution bolchevique et les débuts du régime soviétique

Économie national-socialiste: l’analyse interdite

Le Sionisme et le Troisième Reich

Buchenwald: légende et réalité

Simon Wiesenthal: le faux «chasseur de nazis»

El peso de la tradición: ¿Por qué el judaísmo no es como otras religiones?

El Sionismo y el Tercer Reich

Como Hitler enfrentou o desemprego e reviveu a economia da Alemanha

O Lugar de Goebbels na História

Fraudulentas citações nazistas

Il ruolo ebraico nella rivoluzione boscevica e nei primi anni del regime sovietico in Russia

Il Sionismo e il Terzo Reich

Sebastian Haffner rief 1942 zum Völkermord auf

Сеть сионистского террора

Нюрнбергский процесс и холокост

Симон Визенталь – фальшивый охотник за нацистами

Miten Hitler päihitti työttömyyden ja elvytti Saksan talouden


BRR 2020-01-11 Hour 1 Show

Hour 1

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Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller with Cohost Lee “Elvis” Cochran and Jacob “Moon Dog” Tyler

Guest: Paul Fromm, Canadian Civil Rights Activist

Eddie, Lee and Jacob were thrilled to have the indefatigable Mr. Paul Fromm on the show once again, and wasted no time diving into a discussion with the white civil rights activist from Canada about the state of affairs in the west and how white civil rights is the truly great moral issue of our time.






BRR 2020-01-11 Hour 2 Show

Hour 2

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Hour 2

Hosted by: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller, Lee “Elvis” Cochran, and Jacob “Moon Dog” Tyler

Guest: Dr. Edward R. DeVries

Pappy, Lee and Jacob come out swinging in the second hour with a truly distinguished guest, Dr./Pastor Edward DeVries, host of the Dixie Heritage Hour on TBR Radio.

About Tonight’s Guest:

The Rundown:

The gang chews the proverbial fat with Dr. DeVries about the ongoing assault on southern heritage and some of the more recent developments on that front.  As the hour unfolds, Dr. DeVries lays to rest the tortured premise that has gained a mild degree of acceptance in recent years that the advancement of the globalist agenda and the gas-lighting of people of European descent throughout the world into being ashamed of our heritage and forsaking our birthright is an extension of the Christian worldview.  The dialog that ensued further brought to light that not only is this a woeful fallacy amongst some right-wingers, but that the adherents of lamestream, modern churchianity who align themselves with the damnably devilish agenda of white genocide/replacement which was discussed with Mr. Fromm in the first hour are unwittingly aligning themselves and are in league with antichrists.

You can check out Dr./Pastor Ed’s website at

You can listen to his show on TBR radio here:





BRR 2020-01-04 Hour 1 Show

Hour 1

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Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller with Cohost Lee “Elvis” Cochran

Guest: Attorney at Law Jason Robb council for The Knights Party

Narrative: Tonight we are back for our first live attack cast after playing a taped archive show over the New Year Sabbatical.

We honor and memorialize the young white Victims of two vicious black killer gangs. It’s the anniversary month ( January 7,2007 ) of the Chris Newsom and Channon Christian rape, dismemberment, burning alive, hideous, endless torture sessions. All this atrocity was done by a pack of feral black negroes because they hated whites. Also, in January of 2000 a similar atrocity was inflicted upon young innocent whites in Wichita, Kansas. We at BRR will completely these horror that the ziomedia covers up.

Next, we cover the International Criminal Court resolution to investigate Israel for War crimes.





BRR 2020-01-04 Hour 2 Show

Hour 2

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Hour 2

Hosted by: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller, Lee “Elvis” Cochran

Guest: Ike Baker of The League of the South

Eddie, Lee and Ike discuss the assignation of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. There’s going to be hell to pay over this criminal murder. We also bring the League of the South news up to date.





BRR 2019-12-21 Hour 1 Show

Hour 1

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Guest: Tamara Goodwin, mother of The Battle Charlottesville Political prisoner, Jacob Goodwin.

Host: Eddie The “Bombardier” Miller,  and Lee “Elvis” Cochran.

Us Blood River Men begin our Christmas episode business as usual. Unlike other media outlets, we NEVER lay our swords down and we are damned sure not “beating them into plow shares”! We can’t afford the luxury of a peaceful day. Our enemies never rest.They don’t respect anything, least of all, the Birthday of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ – Almighty God incarnate! Our enemies are the Sons of The Devil and do the will of their father, Satan, that old Serpent. They seek to destroy us 24/7, 365. That’s why we can never rest! So if it’s Christmas carols you want, find another venue. Other wise, hold on to your seats for a “white knuckle ride”! –Eddie The Bombardier Miller





BRR 2019-12-21 Hour 2 Show

Hour 2

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Hour 2

Hosted by: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller, Lee “Elvis” Cochran , and Jacob “Moon Dog” Tyler.

Jacob “Moon Dog” Tyler crash landed at the eleventh hour without a parachute to join in bayonets affixed as we BRR guys make our charge into hour 2 of our hell for leather BRR rampage.  Damn the machine guns and charge on with us while we break down the recent news of the patriots in the Virginia Citizens Defense League standing their ground in defiance of the tyrannical (Joseph Stalin wanna-be) Governor!   We also briefly discuss Evangelical leaders closing ranks with President Trump after the Scathing editorial from the pseudo Christian rag, Christianity Today!