Host: Eddie The “Bombardier” Miller, and Lee “Elvis” Cochran.
Dr. Sunic is our honored guest tonight. He stayed up until 11:30 pm Croatian time to describe in detail the immigration / migration crisis in eastern Europe. . . the same problem happening to all white, Christian nations world wide. The global Satanists hate Christian whites and are determined to wipe us whites off the face of the earth and think they are winning. But they are in for a surprise! When we’re done they will volunteer for a trip to Hell to escape the wrath of the awakened Saxon! 19:11:242019-12-14 19:11:24BRR – December 14, 2019 – Hour 1
Hosted by: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller, Lee Elvis Cochran , Matt “The Mole” Goodwin and Jacob “Moon Dog” Tyler.
The Whole BRR Crew do a round table about Tax funded Terrorism. The government of the USA has been totally captured by a world wide cabal comprised of a Christ-hating Jewish thugocracy. Violent, Communist, Marxist, LGBTQ+abcdxyz reprobates are not only allowed to attack Christian whites with total impunity from legal retribution; they are actually awarded with 501(c)3 tax exemption!
We also cover the citizen revolt against the thug state government of Virginia. A patriotic showdown in which the Constitution-loving, law abiding citizens of Virginia are refusing to be disarmed by the criminals of state! 18:55:532019-12-14 18:56:04BRR – December 14, 2019 – Hour 2
Host: Eddie The Bombardier Miller, Jacob Moon Dog Tyler, and Lee Elvis Cochran.
After being off last week,The Blood River Guys return with a vengeance,more than making up for our brief sabbatical with a huge show! Birthe Voss reports in from Germany to breakdown the latest on the political conditions in her nation. She joins Jacob and the guys in discussing the AFD / Alternative for Germany party. The AFD is a spectrum of “quantum mechanics from the bright light radiating from the people’s movement ( primarily the young). White native Germans are rapidly becoming “woke to the JQ with stirring and yearning for white nationalism. Germany for the Germans. . . white native Germans, and anti-immigration. 10:37:252019-12-09 10:37:25BRR – December 7, 2019 – Hour 1
Matt, Eddie and Lee do a revisionist, historical tribute to Pearl Harbor Day. We discuss the way traitors in and out of government forced war upon America and the entire white European World. A genocidal war contrived by The International Jew that slaughtered countless millions of whites all over the globe! Over 60 million were slaughtered in Europe and Russia, not counting the half million white Americans needlessly killed pitting white brother against white brother! And the global carnage was all planned and implemented by the same old suspects- The International Jew . . . True Sons of The Devil! 10:31:262019-12-09 10:31:26BRR – December 7, 2019 – Hour 2
The BRR Gang takes a sabbatical tonight, and are pleased to air once again our show from September 28, 2019.
Hour 1
Guest: Matt Goodwin
Blood River Radio Co-Host, Matt Goodwin, joins us from bloody South Africa tonight and regales us for the full hour with his “boots on the ground” report gleaned from his travels there. If there existed a level playing field in media, Matt would have earned a Pulitzer prize for his sterling eyewitness report of how SA has degenerated from its once royal status as a city on a hill lighting up the world with its brilliance of white civilization to the putrid, festering sewer of corruption and oppression it has become since the dismantling of Apartheid.
The BRR Gang takes a sabbatical tonight, and are pleased to air once again our show from September 28, 2019.
Hour 2
Guest: Rachel Pendergraft: Spokeswoman for The Knights Party.
Eddie and Lee welcome Rachel Pendergraft to BRR for her first ever appearance as our honored guest.
Rachel and the BRR guys dissect a variety of points vital to the understanding of where we whites came from and where we are headed if we can’t change the current course of self hatred – indeed the Stockholm Syndrome infecting our white youth these days. Rachel and the guys also discuss problem and most applicable solutions to what ails our White Race in the 21st century.
HOST : Eddie “The Bombardier Miller with Co-hosts Lee “Elvis” Cochran
Guest: Sam Bushman
Lee and Sam start off tonight shinning the light on the cockroaches in the Deep State , the Government and the lying media. Plus we cover a multitude of other current, hot topics. Not the least of which being Sam’s recent endeavors to admonish the sheriffs of the nation to exercise their Constitutional authority and to perform their duties. 15:35:102019-11-24 15:37:42BRR – November 23, 2019 – Hour 1
The Bombardier, Lee and Matt welcome guest, Pat Shannan, on board. Pat covers the 56th anniversary of the J.F.K. Assassination. We discuss in depth Pat’s book,“The J.F.K. Assassination and the Uncensored story of the Two Oswalds. 15:31:112019-11-24 15:31:11BRR – November 23, 2019 – Hour 2
HOST : Eddie “The Bombardier Miller with Co-hosts Lee “Elvis” Cochran and Matthew “The Mole” Goodwin, Sam Bushman
Tonight’s show was one for the record books and the script was totally abandoned. Anti Constitutionalist, Matt Goodwin threw out the gauntlet to Arch Constitutionalist Sam Bushmen which started a very spirited debate on the pros and cons of the validity and efficacy of The U.S. Constitution. To say the debate was spirited and lively would be a understatement! 13:49:462019-11-17 13:50:09BRR – November 16, 2019 – Hour 1
Hour 2: Eddie Miller, Sam Bushman, Lee Cochran, Matt Goodwin
Debate Night: Sam Bushman vs. Matt Miller on the U.S. Constitution
Hour two saw a continuation of the hot debate between Matt and Sam! Of particular interest was that the point was brought to bear that the old Solzhenitsyn “How we burned” lament was but an echo of our own history, when Sam pointed out that a mere 15 years before the South was criminally subjugated by the tyrannical government that had gained control of the North, the Mormons were being targeted by our government for subjugation with virtual impunity. Begging the question of whether or not history might have played out any differently had the people rallied around the splinter group in its hour of persecution on principle, in spite of the theological differences between Mormons and the rest of Christendom.
We spend the last 2 segments covering several pertinent topics. 13:43:492019-11-17 13:43:49BRR – November 16, 2019 – Hour 2
HOST : Eddie “The Bombardier Miller with Cohosts Lee “Elvis” Cochran and Matthew “The Mole” Goodwin”
We do a quick recap of the last two weeks shows. . . The Blood River Radio men took to the road on October 25,26 and 27 to cover, broadcast and participate in the 15th anniversary celebration of The Political Cesspool. . . Then on November 2nd we took it on the road again to Potts Camp, Mississippi to cover the field operation to the Emmett Till memorial in Northern Mississippi put on by The League of The South (LOS). See our archives for those broadcast.The remainder of Hour 1 was spent spend by the BRR guys in discussing a bundle of topics with a direct bearing on white Europeans. 17:29:322019-11-17 13:50:58BRR – November 9, 2019 – Hour 1
The Blood River Radio Guys do it yet again:we live up to the promise we made to our listening family that we would come out from the studio and take it to the field and the road! And that’s exactly what we have done from the get-go and what we continue to do. We are keeping our word.
Matt “The Mole” Goodwin and Jacob “Moon Dog” Tyler have well deserved day off after a grueling 3 day field operation last week at the 15 year anniversary of The Political Cesspool. Eddie The Bombardier Miller and Lee Elvis Cochran loaded up The BRR station wagon and took the show on the road to Potts Camp , Mississippi to join our brothers and sisters of The League of the South for their state meetup.
Hour 1 & 2
Guest: Dr. Michael Hill PHD and National President of The League of The South ( LOS) , Shawn Winkler, President of The Mississippi ( LOS ), Joel Rice ( 5 year member of the LOS and Ike Baker, Operations Manager for LOS.
Dr. Hill explains his / LOS philosophy, and why LOS is vital as a organization to help in the fight for white Southern independence to battle against White genocide. Dr. Hill lays out the bleak prognosis for acquittal in the multiple lawsuits facing Dr Hill and his Chief of Staff ( Mike Tubbs ) in Federal Court in Charlottesville ,Virginia, probably sometime in the Summer of the upcoming year.
Shawn Winkler, Joel Rice, Ike Baker, Eddie and Lee wind out the show talking about several problems vital to white people in the USA and particularly whites in the Southland. 12:36:052019-11-03 12:36:05BRR – November 2, 2019 – Hour 1
The Blood River Radio Guys do it yet again:we live up to the promise we made to our listening family that we would come out from the studio and take it to the field and the road! And that’s exactly what we have done from the get-go and what we continue to do. We are keeping our word.
Matt “The Mole” Goodwin and Jacob “Moon Dog” Tyler have well deserved day off after a grueling 3 day field operation last week at the 15 year anniversary of The Political Cesspool. Eddie The Bombardier Miller and Lee Elvis Cochran loaded up The BRR station wagon and took the show on the road to Potts Camp , Mississippi to join our brothers and sisters of The League of the South for their state meetup.
Hour 1 & 2
Guest: Dr. Michael Hill PHD and National President of The League of The South ( LOS) , Shawn Winkler, President of The Mississippi ( LOS ), Joel Rice ( 5 year member of the LOS and Ike Baker, Operations Manager for LOS.
Dr. Hill explains his / LOS philosophy, and why LOS is vital as a organization to help in the fight for white Southern independence to battle against White genocide. Dr. Hill lays out the bleak prognosis for acquittal in the multiple lawsuits facing Dr Hill and his Chief of Staff ( Mike Tubbs ) in Federal Court in Charlottesville ,Virginia, probably sometime in the Summer of the upcoming year.
Shawn Winkler, Joel Rice, Ike Baker, Eddie and Lee wind out the show talking about several problems vital to white people in the USA and particularly whites in the Southland. 12:29:572019-11-03 12:29:57BRR – November 2, 2019 – Hour 2
The Blood River Radio Guys help James Edwards celebrate 15 years of The Political Cesspool Radio Program spanning three whole days .First time ever that all five BRR Guys ( Eddie “The Bombardier Miller, “Matt the Mole” Goodwin, Lee “Elvis” Cochran ,Jacob “Moon Dog” Tyler and Gene “Mr. Marine Jeans” Andrews ) were on site together simultaneously. 70 or more like minded people of “one accord” from all corners of the USA and at least one guest from South America,and one from South Africa join together for fun, fellowship and just all round fun and enjoyment- People of a great variety of vocations and religious persuasions were cemented together by one common denominator binding factor- Race.A love of each other and a deep concern for our future in a world that hates us so very much. We even had the owner of Liberty News Radio on hand to bless us with the pre-show prayer, joined by his brother in arms, Kurt Cosby.
Hour 1 and Hour 2
Guest: Simon Roche of Suidlanders, Dr. Michael Hill of The League of the South, Janiece Hamblen, Dr. Kevin McDonald, and Keith Alexander. Eddie, Matt and Jacob take turns interviewing 5 different guest over the entire 2 hour span. We plea for assistance from our audience for our White Family in South Africa facing extermination from the Black run Government. We also plead for help in the defense of The League of the South. Dr. Hill and his 2nd in Command Michael Tubbs are being dragged into the Gulag Court system / in ZOG Charlottesville in the not to distance future. The outcome is bleak and the situation will present with great physical danger for both our LOS Brothers. 18:03:392019-10-28 18:06:36BRR – October 26, 2019 – Hour 1
The Blood River Radio Guys help James Edwards celebrate 15 years of The Political Cesspool Radio Program spanning three whole days .First time ever that all five BRR Guys ( Eddie “The Bombardier Miller, “Matt the Mole” Goodwin, Lee “Elvis” Cochran ,Jacob “Moon Dog” Tyler and Gene “Mr. Marine Jeans” Andrews ) were on site together simultaneously. 70 or more like minded people of “one accord” from all corners of the USA and at least one guest from South America,and one from South Africa join together for fun, fellowship and just all round fun and enjoyment- People of a great variety of vocations and religious persuasions were cemented together by one common denominator binding factor- Race.A love of each other and a deep concern for our future in a world that hates us so very much. We even had the owner of Liberty News Radio on hand to bless us with the pre-show prayer, joined by his brother in arms, Kurt Cosby.
Hour 1 and Hour 2
Guest: Simon Roche of Suidlanders, Dr. Michael Hill of The League of the South, Janiece Hamblen, Dr. Kevin McDonald, and Keith Alexander. Eddie, Matt and Jacob take turns interviewing 5 different guest over the entire 2 hour span. We plea for assistance from our audience for our White Family in South Africa facing extermination from the Black run Government. We also plead for help in the defense of The League of the South. Dr. Hill and his 2nd in Command Michael Tubbs are being dragged into the Gulag Court system / in ZOG Charlottesville in the not to distance future. The outcome is bleak and the situation will present with great physical danger for both our LOS Brothers. 18:00:352019-10-28 18:07:11BRR – October 26, 2019 – Hour 2
Hour 1: Matt Goodwin, Lee Cochran, Eddie Miller, Jacob Tyler
Show Notes:
No guest tonight. Eddie, Jacob, and Lee welcome Matt Goodwin back home from his 3 week foray into The Dark Continent ( South Africa). Matt spent 30 minutes being debriefed on the sum total of his epic trip. BRR is the only radio media outlet in America that had a radio host spend boots on the ground touring SA, interviewing white SA residents. You need to listen to our complete 3 week set of shows coming strait in for SA. The last 30 minutes were utilized by Jacob expanding on the latest page out of some of the Globalists’ latest shameless shenanigans; their parading out a poor 16 year old girl spouting out idiotic drivel about the so called global climate crisis.
Additional Notes on the Climate Change Hysteria Agenda:
The Climate Change Hysteria ordeal is merely the latest prong in the globalists’ ongoing assault on White Identity.
Greta Thunberg, while apparently sincere, is nonetheless a mentally challenged teenager who is being used and handled in the most exploitative and despicable of ways.
-She is surrounded by a veritable who’s who list of Soros operatives and leftist brass.
-Her parents are both leftists, and all three of them have been photographed wearing Antifa All Stars t shirts. Infowars did a good article outlining that point which you can read here.
-The organization backing Greta, We Don’t Have Time is financed pervasively and almost exclusively by Soros operatives. -The alarmist rhetoric Greta is championing is identical to a 1992 speech given by 12 year old Severn Cullis-Suzuki to the U.N. Same tactics, different year.
An excellent video by Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice TV can be viewed here, and we highly recommend you take the time to watch it.
-Extinction Rebellion, the recently inaugurated militant political action group based out of Britain, which is trying to gain a foothold in the U.S. is flagrantly anti-white. + Despite the fact that its founder has threatened to overthrow the government, and much of their rhetoric calls for the rich and powerful to be held accountable, the bulk of their activism disrupts the lives of and harasses working class white people. + Stuart Basden, a co-founder of the fanatical organization penned an editorial for the leftist webzine, Medium in which he came right out and said that XR “Is not about the climate.” He went on to clarify in paraphrased, albeit no uncertain terms what the organization is actually about is dismantling Western Christian Civilization, which, in Basden’s fevered mind is the real reason why there is a climate crisis to begin with because of all of its core institutions, which he labels as “delusions” in his article. The article can be read in its entirety here.
Paul Joseph Watson also did an excellent video listing in far greater detail the more outrageous aspects of XR’s antics. Check it out here.
There is so much more to the matter than this, but for the benefit/convenience of our audience, we wanted to summarize and compile the information for you to look at for yourself. 12:51:222019-10-20 13:02:24BRR – October 19, 2019 – Hour 1
Matt takes a much needed rest. Eddie, Lee and Jacob finish out the show by exposing the driving force powering the true agenda of the Jewish/Zionist Globalist Cryptocracy: Virulent hatred of white people, Christianity, heterosexuals, the family, the real free market, et al. Simply put, the Globalist hate everything about white, western, Christianity. They further discuss how easy it is to see through their poorly disguised rhetoric and recognize it as the world wide campaign to usher in a one world government, with a one world economic system and one world religion – a system of international communist tyranny ushering in the Evil one that it truly is. 12:46:202019-10-20 12:46:39BRR – October 19, 2019 – Hour 2
Tonight marks Matt Goodwin, BRR Cohost, 3rd and last call-in from South Africa.He returns to the US Tuesday October 15, and we wish him God Speed . BRR is the only radio program in the US with a official staff member with a boots on the grown foray to report first hand on the true conditions our white white family is suffering thru at the hands of the feral-animal-black-government. See the last two show archives for the full 3 week in length report. 21:04:382019-10-12 21:34:55BRR – October 12, 2019 – Hour 1
Eddie, Jacob and Lee fill the hour with informative instruction on how not to become a patsy by biting on the endless false news blips aimed squarely at the patriot and white community with the goal of making us jump to wrong conclusions effecting our everyday life. 21:00:002019-10-12 21:35:28BRR – October 12, 2019 – Hour 2
Tonight marks our one year anniversary of 102 hours of solid radio!
It was October 6,2018 when Blood River Radio, with the entire crew of Eddie “The Bombardier”Miller , Matt The Mole” Goodwin, Lee “Elvis” Cochran, Jacob “Moon Dog” Tyler and “Mister Marine Jeans” Andrews were all on board together. Tonight we had everyone on deck except Mister Marine Jeans.We will remedy that situation by bringing Gene ,our brother in arms, in for a broadcast, soon.
It is totally obvious that Almighty God is working in the lives of men and it’s especially clear that Blood River Radio is touched by God, and the reason for our astounding success is because we at BRR have pledged to always serve God and give Him all the Honor, credit and Glory! We here at BRR will always obey Him! God shall always reward his good and faithful servants!
It is almost surreal that we had a official BRR Co-host, boots on the ground, in South Africa calling in to his home base for the 2nd time in as many weeks, and not only that: Matt The Mole Goodwin had a real live South African Boer on the BRR live! The entire hour was dominated by factual , play by play, on site reporting by Markus (the SA Boer) and fielding questions from the BRR Guys
I doubt we we BRR guys will be able to top this episode for at least a long time to come. 17:21:582019-10-06 17:21:58BRR – October 5, 2019 – Hour 1
Ike Baker and Sean Winkler from the League of the South. Ike is Operations Officer for the League and Sean is Chairman for the great State of Mississippi League of the South. Ike and Sean brought us up to date on coming events plus they delved a bit into history, including our foray into the Battle of Charlottesville.
The bottom of the hour saw a return of favorite son, Jason Robb of The Knights of the KKK.
Jason and Ike broke down the situation of the latest DNC impeachment witch hunt, the fanatical efforts of coverup involving the servers in the Ukraine, Jared Kushner, Hillary Clinton, et al. 17:13:252019-10-06 17:14:21BRR – October 5, 2019 – Hour 2
Blood River Radio Co-Host, Matt Goodwin, joins us from bloody South Africa tonight and regales us for the full hour with his “boots on the ground” report gleaned from his travels there. If there existed a level playing field in media, Matt would have earned a Pulitzer prize for his sterling eyewitness report of how SA has degenerated from its once royal status as a city on a hill lighting up the world with its brilliance of white civilization to the putrid, festering sewer of corruption and oppression it has become since the dismantling of Apartheid. 19:50:212019-09-29 19:50:36BRR – September 28, 2019 – Hour 1
Guest: Rachel Pendergraft: Spokeswoman for The Knights Party.
Eddie and Lee welcome Rachel Pendergraft to BRR for her first ever appearance as our honored guest.
Rachel and the BRR guys dissect a variety of points vital to the understanding of where we whites came from and where we are headed if we can’t change the current course of self hatred – indeed the Stockholm Syndrome infecting our white youth these days. Rachel and the guys also discuss problem and most applicable solutions to what ails our White Race in the 21st century. 19:37:202019-09-29 19:37:20BRR – September 28, 2019 – Hour 2
Host: Eddie The Bombardier Miller, Lee Elvis Cochran and Jacob Moon Dog Tyler fire up the old B-17 and The Bombardier drops a full load of HE and Napalm on the “fence setters, the “cowardly masses”, and the imposters in the nonexistent-alt-right movement”. Moon Dog shows why he was a 5 star BRR recruit with his and masterful, verbal judo moves in response to the Bombardier’s damn them to hellfire, sulfur and brimstone rant. Elvis joined us in a hot, colorful, factual admonishment to our comrades in arms in the war of ideas to not fall for the pseudo-pious rhetoric of the regressive left. The gang also discusses the recent developments with Wal Mart’s pretentious anti-2A posturing in response to the tragic mass shootings of late. 10:54:542019-09-22 10:54:54BRR – September 21, 2019 – Hour 1
Guest : Richard Gage American Institute of Architects 30 year member, President and founder of Architects and Engineers of 911 Truth.
Richard Gage is the foremost authority and expert on everything about the 3 Twin Towers controlled demolition. Mr Gage supplies tons of evidence proving beyond a shadow of a doubt the absolute absurdity of the establishment narrative on the 911 trade center destruction. This was probably the most scientific BRR will ever present by a very smart, highly qualified scientist representing over 3000 fellow engineers and architects! 10:47:242019-09-22 10:47:24BRR – September 21, 2019 – Hour 2
Pat Shannan: Author, researcher, investigative journalist and conspiracy expert.
Dr. Kevin Barret: Activist, prolific author, renowned scholar of the 9/11 Truth Movement
Jacob hosts the first hour and interviews the incomparable Mr. Pat Shannan, the legendary investigative journalist and renowned authority on the many diabolical conspiratorial machinations throughout the past century on up to the present of the ruling elite. Also joining us is the esteemed Dr. Kevin Barret, one of the foremost intellectuals and scholars of the 9/11 Truth movement who is also a prolific author and has been featured in numerous 9/11 documentaries.
In memoriam of the upcoming anniversary of the false flag terror attack on 9/11, Jacob, Pat, and Dr. Barret discuss a great many of the innumerable intricacies and anomalies of the official story about the goings on of that tragic day. Pat regales us with a summary of those inconsistencies which are especially notable in the piquing of his conspiratorial sensibilities and Dr. Barret demonstrates his scholarly prowess as he goes into considerable analytical detail about some of the most outrageous absurdities regarding those same anomalies and inconsistencies.
As always, there is simply not nearly enough time in a two hour broadcast format to truly mine the depths of any matter of substance and consequently, in spite of the great deal of ground that was covered in the fascinating exchange between Mr. Shannan and Dr. Barret that ensued, we were only able to touch the tip of the proverbial iceberg that is this hot-button issue.
There is a veritable mountain of information to delve into on the topic, but we recommend you start with Dr. Barret’s website, and Pat Shannan’s website, Both of these indefatigable warriors for the cause of truth, liberty and righteousness have written numerous books which you can purchase from their websites; A great way, we might add, to support their ongoing work, all while making some excellent acquisitions for your library.
It was a pleasure and a privilege to have such distinguished guests on, and we look forward to having them on again in the future! 19:06:432019-09-07 19:27:07BRR – September 7, 2019 – Hour 1
Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller takes the torch for the 2nd hour of tonight’s broadcast and interviews James Edwards, of the Political Cesspool who regales us on the goings on at the League of the South’s national conference going on over in Alabama this weekend. Eddie also chews the fat with Pastor Tom Robb about current events and the Knights Party’s conference coming up in April. 18:23:332019-09-07 18:23:33BRR – September 7, 2019 – Hour 2
Guest: Nicholas is a retired General of the Croatian Army, Simon Roche is a high ranking member of Suitlanders in South Africa. Suidlanders is the largest civil defense organization in the world. It is recognized by the United Nations and protected under the umbrella of international law.
By Line:
General Nicholas describes in every detail the Bolshevic Satanist war on the countries of Eastern Europe and the old Soviet Union with what followed- unspeakable terror with the torcher and brutal murders, rapes, and enslavement of tens of millions of white Christians having the misfortune of following prey to the Satanic Jewish led killing frenzy- a murderous campaign the likes of which the world has never seen-a Jewish killing frenzy driven by maniacal ethnic hatred of anything white and Christian.
The second half of the hour reads like the worse horror movie in history- a movie that makes “The Texas Chainsaw Murder” seem tame, in comparison! South African Whites are being hunted down, ambushed, raped and tortured by black feral animals in ways too terrible to describe. Their homes are invaded and/or razed to the ground. Whites as young as 2 years and past the age of 80 are raped, hacked into pieces, boiled alive, doused with gasoline and set on fire. All these horrors and more occur on a routine basis in South Africa, while the Jew-owned Ziomedia keeps it all secret!
Matt and Lee keep up our marathon broadcast, entertaining the wonderful men of The League of The South.
Special Note:
See Liberty News Radio Network Archives for hours 1 and 2 (8 pm to 10 pm CST )of our marathon Broadcast coverage of the June 2019 National Solutions Conference from Montgomery Bell State Park Tennessee, including the following guest, plus many more!
By Line
Rick Tyler is the American Freedom party 2020 Presidential candidate and organizer of The June 28-June 30, 2019 Nationalist Solutions Conference. Jacob Tyler is BRR Cohost and Son of Rick Tyler. Doctor Michael Hill is President of The League of the South. Doctor Tom Sunic is a former resident of Croatia, and a major contributor to many scholarly journals, magazines and other media. 4 additional members from The League of the South are eloquent, articulate and accurate.
The promotional banner made for the event by Jacob Tyler, who is a professional graphic designer by trade.
Hour 1
Pappy and the gang hit the road for Harrison, Arkansas this weekend! Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller was honored to be invited to address the conference, which was just icing on the cake for the BRR crew, who had planned on attending anyway. During the event, Pappy and Matt interview a slew of fascinating folk in attendance at this year’s event. 16:00:312019-09-02 16:00:40BRR – Special Broadcast from the Knights Party Family Conference, 8-31-2019 – Hour 1
The promotional banner made for the event by Jacob Tyler, who is a professional graphic designer by trade.
Hour 2
The special broadcast from the 2019 Knights Party National Congress and Family Retreat continues as Pappy and the gang interview more of the good folks in attendance at this year’s event. 15:54:142019-09-02 15:54:32BRR – Special Broadcast from the Knights Party Family Conference, 8-31-2019 – Hour 2
Matt, Eddie, Lee, and Jacob meet up at NatSol 2019
HOST: Eddie the Bombardier Miller and Cohost Lee Elvis Cochran
Guest: Karen Smith (formerly of South Africa) and Mr Skalk (current South African resident).
Karen Smith acts as host interviewing Mr Skalk about the very, critical conditions in SA. Whites are being tortured (hacked to death with axes, machetes, burned alive, boiled alive, raped) by the hundreds every week while the rest of the self-hating whites of the West couldn’t care less. President Trump knows exactly what’s going on yet fails to lift a finger. 17:01:202019-08-25 17:01:20BRR – August 24, 2019 – Hour 1
Matt, Eddie, Lee, and Jacob meet up at NatSol 2019
Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller, Cohost, Lee “Elvis” Cochran and Matt “The Mole” Goodwin
Guest: Former South African citizen, Karen Smith.
Karen spends the whole 1st hour describing the latest political upheaval. The SA Congress voted to change the constitution legalizing confiscation of ALL white property without recompensation. The living condition whites are subjected is a living hell of sheer terror on an unimaginable scale! Torture, rapes, arson, brutality is off the scale! 16:44:282019-08-11 16:44:28BRR – August 10, 2019 – Hour 1
Matt, Eddie, Lee, and Jacob meet up at NatSol 2019
Guest : Karen White
Karen White stays for the 1st segment to put the finishing touches on describing the beyond terrible conditions whites of South Africa are condemned to try and survive, compliments of the Black Feral animals.
The last 3 segments are spent by the BRR guys talking about the history of the C.I.A., the N.S.A and their creation of MKULTRA, Manchurian Candidates. And the roles in the recent mass shootings in America. 16:40:182019-08-11 16:44:47BRR – August 10, 2019 – Hour 2
Matt, Eddie, Lee, and Jacob meet up at NatSol 2019
Host: Eddie The Bombardier Miller, Lee Elvis Cochran
Radio show for July 27th, 2019 on Liberty News Radio
Guest: Jason Robb, Attorney at Law
The Blood River guys welcome Jason Robb on for the second week in a row. Jason discussed the Legal system we’re burdened within this country ( the USA). US Citizens live in a country ruled by a totally rogue, lawless, criminal cabal run by the International Jewish Zionist. White people, especially White Christians, are under a merciless attack by the same cabal that killed Christ and the Prophets – the Synagogue of Satan as named Christ. The enemy wants nothing less than our utter extermination, our being wiped off the face of the earth. The outlaw state of Virginia holds many of our Christian Patriots in the Zog Gulag simply because they were exercising their God Given rights of freedom of assembly for redress of grievances at the 8-12-17 Battle of Charlottesville 20:23:392019-08-04 20:23:39BRR – August 3, 2019 – Hour 1
Matt, Eddie, Lee, and Jacob meet up at NatSol 2019
Guest : Monika Schaeffer
We welcome Jacob “Moon Dog” Tyler back on the second hour where we have a very lively discussion with Guest German-Canadian Monika Schafer who regales us with the latest scuttle butt on the ZOG Canadian Government. 20:20:532019-08-04 20:24:17BRR – August 3, 2019 – Hour 2
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